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The Politics of the 1920’s & The Growing Economy

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1 The Politics of the 1920’s & The Growing Economy

2 Teapot Dome Scandal President Warring G. Harding made several disastrous appointments to his cabinet. Gave cabinet positions and other high level jobs to friends and political allies from Ohio (Known as the OHIO GANG) The most famous scandal involved Albert Fall, Harding's secretary of the interior, who secretly allowed private interests to lease lands containing U.S. Navy Oil Reserves He collected more than 300,000 from these bribes

3 Silent Cal President Calvin Coolidge believed that prosperity rested on business leadership Government should remain out of business and industry He, like his predecessor Harding, adopted a policy of Supply Side Economics

4 Policies of Prosperity
Supply Side Economics: If taxes are lowered, businesses and consumers would spend or invest their extra money. Thus the economy would grow and Americans would make more money Congress dramatically reduced taxes: From 4% to 0.5% for most Americans From 73% to 25% for the wealthy Although successful, the federal budget fell from 6.4 billion to 3 billion in 7 years.

5 The Rise Of New Industry
Mass Production: large scale manufacturing done with machinery, increases supply and reduces cost. Workers were able to make more money, work less grueling hours, and afford the products they were creating.

6 The Rise Of New Industry
Henry Ford The Assembly Line, divided operations into simple tasks and cut unnecessary motion to a minimum Ford doubled his workers pay (5$ a Day), while cutting their workday (8 Hour Shift)

7 Clash of Cultures Nativism vs Immigrants:
Following WW1 immigration numbers boomed Before the economic boom the U.S. was in recession following the War, and many Nativists blamed the immigrants for these tough economic times Many Americans Believed Immigrants were taking their jobs

8 Clash Of Cultures Sacco-Vanzetti Case: The Return of the KKK:
Reflected the prejudice and fears of the era Two me robbed and murdered two employees of a shoe factory, and Police arrested two Italian Immigrants without much evidence. The two men were not just immigrants but expected anarchists, which led many people into believing they were guilty. They were found guilty and sentenced to death The Return of the KKK: The new klan not only targeted African Americans but now went after Catholics, Jews, Immigrants and other groups that were said to be “un-American”

9 Clash Of Cultures

10 Prohibition The 18th Amendment made Alcohol illegal
However, people ignored the law. People flocked to secret bars known as Speakeasies in order to purchase and consume alcohol Bootlegging became huge in rural America Organized Crime: Big Business Gangsters used money to corrupt Politicians Al Capone, had many Chicago Police Officers, Judges and other officials on his pay roll

11 Prohibition The Great Gatsby: The Untouchables:
coc9DnQ The Roaring 20’s in a nutshell The Untouchables: kpLE90 The Evil that came with prohibition and the roaring 20’s

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