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Presentation on theme: "HOLY ORDERS QUESTIONS."— Presentation transcript:


2 JOURNAL QUESTION: Do you think it is fair or unfair that the Catholic Church only ordains celibate men to the three orders of Holy Orders? Why or why not? What changes would you make to the rules regarding Holy Orders?

3 WHO IS… The Pope Cardinals Archbishops
He’s a BISHOP. The Bishop of Rome. He’s considered the First among equals. Cardinals They are BISHOPS, too. They simply have an extra job to do. If they are under 80 they get to vote for the next pope. Archbishops They are just in charge of a bigger area, called an archdiocese.

4 CELIBACY: This was never a requirement for ordination in the early Church. By the 4th century it was seen as the ideal Celibacy became a requirement by the 12th century. This helped to protect against abuses of power. Priestly celibacy was reaffirmed at Vatican II.

5 Why Celibacy? A life of celibacy opens a person up to love everyone unconditionally and EQUALLY It requires a person to stay faithful to their commitment an not act upon their sexual attractions/urges …Just like marriage.

6 ORDINATION OF MEN… According to the Bible, Jesus only chose men to be part of the Twelve Apostles Today’s bishops are understood as the successors of the Twelve Apostles Because we have this evidence the “deposit of faith,” the Church does not have authority to change this practice

7 SYMBOLISM Remember, symbols must contain some natural similarity to that which they symbolize Throughout history, the Church has always been seen as the “bride of Christ.” Therefore, priests are see as the (bride)grooms. During Mass, the priest acts “In Persona Christi,” meaning “in the person of Christ.”

8 QUESTIONS: Are there adequate places of leadership for women in the Catholic Church? Is the woman’s voice represented faithfully during Mass and homilies? Would ordaining women to the priesthood increase the numbers of priests? Would it increase the number of Catholics?


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