Graphs & Data Tables.

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Presentation on theme: "Graphs & Data Tables."— Presentation transcript:

1 Graphs & Data Tables

2 Data Tables Data tables are used to organize & analyze information collected during a lab

3 Making a Data Table Title
Effects of Various Fertilizers on Plant Growth Fertilizer Brand Plant Height Trial 1 Trial 2 Plant Height Trial 3 A 5 cm 6 cm 4 cm B 3 cm C 1 cm 2 cm

4 Graphing Basics All graphs need: A Title Label axis Appropriate Scale
Data Points

5 Labeling Axis The Independent Variable always goes on the X axis
The Dependent Variable always goes on the Y axis Y axis X axis

6 Types of Graphs Bar Graph Histogram
Compares one or more set categories Uses ranges of data to compare

7 Types of Graphs Line Graphs Pie Charts
Shows how things change over time or cause & effects Shows percentages or parts of a whole

8 Which type of graph would you use?
1. To compare the height of boys vs. girls in you class? Bar graph 2. To show how plant height changes over time? Line graph 3. To show how what percent of money your school gives to after school programs? Pie chart 4. To show how temperature affects the activity level of fish? 5. To compare volume and length of green beans? 6. Which variable goes on the x- axis? Independent Variable 7. Which variable goes on the y-axis? Dependent Variable

9 Interpreting Graphs & Data Tables







16 Pie Charts

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