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Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Common Types of Fractures The Skull The

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1 Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Common Types of Fractures The Skull The
Appendicular Skeleton Joints Homeostatic Imbalances $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy

2 Fractures - $100 Greenstick Fracture
What is the name for the type of fracture where the bone breaks incompletely (common in children). Greenstick Fracture

3 Fractures - $200 Compound or Open Fracture
The name of a fracture where the broken bone end(s) break through the surface of the skin. Compound or Open Fracture

4 Fractures - $300 COMMINUTED FRACTURE
The type of fracture where the bone breaks into many fragments. COMMINUTED FRACTURE

5 Fractures - $400 IMPACTED FRACTURE
The type of fracture where the broken bone ends are forced into each other (commonly occurs when someone attempts to brace a fall with outstretched arms) IMPACTED FRACTURE

6 Fractures - $500 CLOSED REDUCTION
What is it called when the broken bone ends are coaxed back into their normal position by the physician’s hands? CLOSED REDUCTION

7 The Skull - $100 What is the only bone in the skull that is attached by a freely movable joint? MANDIBLE

8 1) Allow for slight compression during birth
The Skull - $200 What is the purpose for the Fontanelles in the fetal skull? 1) Allow for slight compression during birth 2) Allows for brain growth

9 The Skull - $300 What are two functions of the paranasal sinuses?
1) Lighten the skull bones 2) Amplify sounds as we speak

10 The Skull - $400 The HYOID BONE
What is the name of the bone that is “free floating” and serves as a movable base for the tongue? The HYOID BONE

11 The Skull - $500 Bones of the adult skull are joined by interlocking, immovable joints called _______. SUTURES

12 The Appendicular Skeleton - $100
The pectoral girdle consists of which two bones? Clavicle and Scapula

13 The Appendicular Skeleton - $200
What is the name for the cartilaginous joint right above the pubic arch? Pubic symphysis

14 The Appendicular Skeleton - $300
Provide two differences in the male and female pelvis. 1) Male has V shaped pubic arch Female has U 2) Male narrow more heart shaped opening, female larger more circular opening 3) Female has lighter, thinner bones 4) Male = Narrower angle where two pubic bones meet/ Female= Wider angle

15 The Appendicular Skeleton - $400
What three groups of bones make up the appendicular skeleton? 1. Limbs (Appendages) 2. Pectoral (Shoulder) Girdle 3. Pelvic Girdle

16 The Appendicular Skeleton - $500
Which bone of the pelvis is known as the “sit down bone?” The ISHIUM

17 Joints - $100 Another word for joints is _____________. ARTICULATIONS

18 Joints - $200 Synarthroses, Fibrous (joints)
Immovable joints are considered to be functionally ____________ and structurally ____________________. Synarthroses, Fibrous (joints)

19 Joints - $300 Freely movable joints are considered to be ________________ functionally and _____________ structurally. DIARTHROSIS, SYNOVIAL (Joints)

20 Joints - $400 Name one area of the body (that we talked about in our notes) where you would find a cartilaginous joint. 1) Between rib 1 and sternum 2) Intervertebral Joints 3) Pubic Symphysis

21 Joints - $500 What is the main function of the Bursae and the Tendon sheath? Reduce friction between structures

22 Homeostatic Imbalances - $100
This condition is commonly referred to as “water on the knee” and is caused by an inflammation of the bursae BURSITIS

23 Homeostatic Imbalances - $200
Explain what is damaged during a sprain? Ligaments or tendons

24 Homeostatic Imbalances - $300
Condition that usually occurs in the elderly. This is also referred to as the “wear and tear” type of this condition. OSTEOARTHRIS (OA)

25 Homeostatic Imbalances - $400
This condition occurs when needle shaped crystals of uric acid build up in the joints causing damage and pain. Gouty Arthritis or Gout

26 Homeostatic Imbalances - $500
This joint condition can occur at any age and has been classified as an autoimmune disease. Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

27 Final Jeopardy List the four major events of bone repair in the order of which they occur. 1) Hematoma is formed 2) Fibrocartilage callus splints the two ends 3) Fibrocartilage callus is replaced by a bony calus 4) Bony callus is remodeled to a perm. patch

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