Studying Life Biology – study of living organism.

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Presentation on theme: "Studying Life Biology – study of living organism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Studying Life Biology – study of living organism

2 What makes an organism “alive”?
Think, Pair, Share! What makes an organism “alive”? On a sheet of paper, write down 5 things/characteristics that makes something considered “alive”.

3 Characteristics of Living Things
Does a Fire give off energy? Does a Fire fly (lightning bug) give off energy? Are they both Alive? What makes something alive?

4 Characteristic’s continued…
Living things share several characteristics. These characteristics include the following: (There are 8 Characteristics!)

5 1. Living things are made up of Cells
A cell is a collection of living matter enclosed by a barrier that separates the cell from its surroundings. A single cell is called “unicellular”. Many cells would be named “multicellular”

6 2. Living Things Reproduce
All organisms produce new organisms. Asexually —single parent. Dividing in half to produce another organism. Sexually —two cells from different parents unite to produce the first cell of the new organism.

7 3. Living Things are based on a Universal Genetic Code
Offspring always resemble their parents. With sexual reproduction, offspring differ in some ways. However, dogs must produce dogs, cats must produce cats and flies produce flies.

8 4. Living things Grow and Develop
All living organisms grow at least part of their lives. Life cycle of a butterfly—egg—caterpillar—pupa (chrysalis)—adult butterfly Life cycle of a fly—egg—maggot—adult fly

9 5. Living things obtain and use materials and energy
As organisms grow, they need energy and materials to survive. What is an example of materials? Metabolism —The combination of chemical reactions through which an organism builds up or breaks down materials as it carries out its life processes.

10 6. Living things respond to their Environment
Organisms live in constantly changing environments. Examples: Temperature, Light, Smells, Sounds

11 7. Living things maintain a stable internal environment
Changes that happen in organisms are complex. Example: a plant may take on water through roots at one point but give water off at another through leaves (transpire). The internal consistency is called Homeostasis. (process in which organisms keep their internal conditions stable)

12 Examples of Homeostasis:
1. Plants transpire: give off water 2. Humans perspire/sweat to cool off 3. The hormone insulin is used by the body to keep blood sugar level 4. Dogs pant to cool off

13 8. Living things change over time.
Key words—as a group, living things evolve, or change over time. Example: Plants that can survive periods without water. These plants had to “change over time” to survive without water at certain dry periods.

14 Characteristics of Life
Fire is NOT alive Bacteria IS alive Rocks are NOT alive Fungus IS alive Viruses are NOT alive

15 Viruses Viruses are NOT considered alive because they can not reproduce on their own. They must use cells from other organisms to reproduce

16 How many characteristics of life are there?
Clicker Question #1 How many characteristics of life are there? 5 6 7 8

17 Clicker Question #2 How do humans reproduce? Sexually Asexually By Spawning All of the above

18 The condition that keeps your internal conditions the same/balanced:
Clicker Question #3 The condition that keeps your internal conditions the same/balanced: Genetic Code Homeostasis Asexual Multicellular

19 Which of the following is true about sexual reproduction?
Clicker Question #4 Which of the following is true about sexual reproduction? The offspring are identical to their parent The offspring differ in some ways The offspring do not receive any traits from their parent(s) The offspring are a clone of their parent

20 Clicker Question #5 What did plants, like cactus, that live in very hot climates have to do in order to live in their environment? Reproduce asexually Resist homeostasis Identically resemble their parents Evolve over time

21 The End

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