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Are you now or have you ever been a McCarthyism and the 2nd Red Scare

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1 Are you now or have you ever been a McCarthyism and the 2nd Red Scare
member of the Communist party? McCarthyism and the 2nd Red Scare QUIZ TIME ON BETTY FRIEDAN

2 What does the phrase “un-American” mean?
What is an un-American thought? What is an un-American action? Explain.

3 In the context of the Cold War, 1950s America was truly a conformist atmosphere.
Conformity Values Loyalty

4 Only way to measure loyalty was the intensity and consistency of a person’s anti-Communism.
Result: a witch-hunt to root out suspected Communists from every aspect of society.

5 House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
Revived by newly-elected Congressman Richard Nixon of CA. Would serve to destroy the lives of suspected Communists and advance the political careers of key individual politicians.

6 Humphrey Bogart & Lauren Bacall Leading An Actors Protest Against HUAC
HUAC results - - > Blacklisted actors, actresses, writers and directors who were suspected of having Communist sympathies. Forced the movie, television, radio, comic book and newspaper industries to set strict standards, many of which would last into the Eighties. Humphrey Bogart & Lauren Bacall Leading An Actors Protest Against HUAC

7 The “Hollywood Ten”

8 “pinko!” Political Element to Red Scare
Republican candidates often labeled opponents “pink” to suggest they were closet communist sympathizers. “pinko!”

9 McCarran Internal Security Act, 1952
Illegal to conspire to establish a totalitarian dictatorship. All Communist groups assumed to be such conspiracies. Communist groups required to register and submit minutes of meetings. Gave the president the power: arrest and detain any person that would “probably” engage in acts of espionage and sabotage.

10 Truman vetoes! “the greatest danger to freedom of speech, press, and assembly since the alien and sedition acts of 1798.”

11 Congress overrides the veto!

12 Feb. 12, 1950 “I have here in my hand a list of 205 names that were made known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping policy in the State Dept.” -- Joseph McCarthy Senator from Wisconsin

13 Are you now or have you ever been a
member of the Communist party?

14 If a witness refused to testify, they were called “Fifth Amendment Communists” others simply guilty by association.

15 McCarthyism manipulated Red Scare into political power
Labeled opponents Communists themselves or “soft on communism” Believed politically invincible at the time Tactic: level complex allegations that are impossible to dismiss quickly.

16 McCarthy finally reached too far when he attacked the U. S
McCarthy finally reached too far when he attacked the U.S. Army for sheltering communists. Army-McCarthy Hearings

17 “You are a disgrace to the uniform
“You are a disgrace to the uniform. You’re shielding communist conspirators…You’re not fit to be an officer. You’re ignorant.” Sen. Joseph McCarthy In a televised hearing


19 “Have you no sense of decency, sir?”
Edward Murrow on McCarthyism

20 FIRE!

21 Note: FBI under J. Edgar Hoover provided the information Communist hunters used in investigations. --wiretaps --under cover agents Should McCarthyism be called Hooverism instead?

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