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THE RED SCARE PART 2 During the Cold War. Great Depression- Americans joined communist party After WWII -quit Cold War -intense anticommunist Crusade.

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Presentation on theme: "THE RED SCARE PART 2 During the Cold War. Great Depression- Americans joined communist party After WWII -quit Cold War -intense anticommunist Crusade."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE RED SCARE PART 2 During the Cold War

2 Great Depression- Americans joined communist party After WWII -quit Cold War -intense anticommunist Crusade -find communists civil rights violated

3 Truman established federal loyalty program in 1947 –A–A–A–All federal employees checked by FBI –C–C–C–Confirmed fears House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) –C–C–C–Congressional committee –L–L–L–Looked for communists

4 Charged that many in Hollywood were communists In 1947 HUAC called many actors, directors, writers, producers to testify 10 of the accused refused to testify The “Hollywood Ten” went to jail for contempt of Congress

5 HUAC targets the film industry

6 HUAC investigations made movie studios nervous Led to “blacklist Ruined careers

7 Pair Share Pair Share Why do you think the HUAC target the American film industry?

8 Two Famous Spy Cases Alger Hiss –F–F–F–Former State Department official –A–A–A–Accused of being Soviet spy during 1930s –T–T–T–Testified to HUAC –F–F–F–Found guilty of perjury and served four years –N–N–N–Not clear if he was a spy

9 In 1950 Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were accused of passing atomic secrets to the USSR Convicted and electrocuted in 1953 Many felt they were innocent

10 Julius Rosenburg Pair Share: What does the quote reveal about Julius’s feelings towards American policy during this time period?

11 Discussion Question In your opinion, did the threat of communism seem to warrant such reactions from the federal government?

12 Project VENONA

13 VENONA & Rosenburgs VENONA Confirmed their involvement Proximity Fuse Lockheed P-80 Lockheed P-80 –Jet fighter

14 McCarthyism Joseph McCarthy - Republican senator, Wisconsin Gave speech in 1950 claiming a list of 205 communists in State Department Started accusing others of being communists Era known as “McCarthyism”

15 Claimed - Army was full of communists, many had enough The Congress investigated claims Army-McCarthy hearings TV Made McCarthy look bad Lost most support

16 Containment Policy now Domestic Policy How did US foreign policy of containment affect domestic policy? McCarran Act McCarthy Korean War Public Fear Pair Share: Anit – Communist -Conspire/ Sympathy -Arrested -All comm. register No passport

17 Discussion Question Do you think the U.S. went too far or not far enough to stop the threat of communism in America?

18 Analyzing Advertisements









27 reckless Distressed, fearful Motivation for action Who the car represents Disrupting public on side walk, out of control

28 Analyze this political cartoon and fill out your corresponding worksheet. Work with your neighbor to your left or right.

29 Political Cartoon Analysis 1) Draw a cartoon  2) Explain the meaning

30 Now it’s your turn Step 1: Create your political cartoon or propaganda ad THAT RELATES TO THE COLD WAR ERA. Step 2: Explain the hidden meaning in your cartoon or ad by writing ½ - 1 page explanation on a separate sheet of paper.

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