ENG 1D1 Thursday March 5th, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "ENG 1D1 Thursday March 5th, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENG 1D1 Thursday March 5th, 2015

2 Memes of the Day

3 Announcement On Friday, CKSS is holding a literacy parade between periods 1 and 2. Dress up as your favourite literary character. Let’s celebrate literacy!

4 Today’s Agenda Grammar Mini-Presentations “On the Sidewalk Bleeding”
Poetry Analysis Unit Test Returned and Reviewed (Azzopardi) Short Story Test Review

5 Grammar - Homophones Whose, piece two, pairs They’re, be, week
made, for heard, won, your Our, due threw, it’s heard, read, wrote

6 Mini-Presentations - “On the Sidewalk Bleeding”
In groups of 3, you will be assigned one question. Using the responses you came up with last night, put your heads together to come up with a really strong PPEC response. In 10 minutes you will record your response on the board and present it to the class.

7 Poetry Analysis Test Feedback - Average 70%
-great job identifying literary devices and theme -excellent selection of relevant quotes to support points -develop your explanations by making clear connections -work on the clarity of your communication -follow PPEC carefully

8 n.c no contractions no p.p no personal pronouns VT verb tense r.o run-on sentence s.f sentecne fragment pl plural sp spelling s.p show possession w.c word choice m.a agreement awk awkward

9 Short Story Test Overview
Your test will include 3 parts. Part A: Define and give an example of various short story and literary terms. Part B: Quotation Analysis Part C: Short Story Analysis

10 How to Study for Part A Define and come up with an example of each of the following short story and literary terms: exposition inciting incident rising action climax falling action resolution internal conflict h. external conflict i. character trait j. protagonist k. antagonist l. dynamic character m. symbolism n. atmosphere o. setting p. theme q. pathetic fallacy r. irony

11 How to Study for Part B Re-read the following stories:
Lamb to the Slaughter - Roald Dahl On the Sidewalk Bleeding – Evan Hunter Priscilla and the Wimps - Richard Peck The Kayak - Debbie Spring The Highwayman- Alfred Noyes Make notes on the plot, setting, theme, and characterization in each story.

12 How to Study for Part C Review the types of questions you were asked about each of the stories we studied. We focused on the plot, conflict, setting, theme, and characterization in stories. Compare your responses to the ones on the google presentations. Be prepared to model your answers after the ones on the google presentation.

13 Homework Continue to study for your short story unit test by beginning the tasks on the previous three slides. Coat of Arms due tomorrow!

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