Integrating Variable Renewable Energy in Seychelles and Mauritius

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating Variable Renewable Energy in Seychelles and Mauritius"— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating Variable Renewable Energy in Seychelles and Mauritius
Martin Schroeder ESMAP – The World Bank Group June 2015

2 Martinique - Island Energy Transitions
Outline Demand for VRE integration Support Experiences from Mauritius and Seychelles Launch of ESMAP VRE integration program 11/27/2018 Martinique - Island Energy Transitions

3 Martinique - Island Energy Transitions
Increased demand for VRE Grid Integration support 11/27/2018 Martinique - Island Energy Transitions

4 Martinique - Island Energy Transitions
Technical Assistance to Support Expanded Private Participation in Renewable Energy Supply to the Grid – Seychelles Seychelles Location of project: Republic of Seychelles (focused on the islands of Mahe and Praslin) Project period: November September 2014 Renewable energy source: Solar PV, Wind, Hydro, Biomass, Waste-based Energy Systems Project budget (USD): US$250,000 ESMAP funding and US$50,000 from UNDP Multilateral setup: SIDS-DOCK funding (managed by ESMAP), executed by the Public Utilities Corporation (PUC) of Seychelles in collaboration with Seychelles Energy Commission (SEC). 11/27/2018 Martinique - Island Energy Transitions

5 Renewable integration potential paths (Source Energynautics)
Technical Assistance to Support Expanded Private Participation in Renewable Energy Supply to the Grid – Seychelles Contents of the technical assistance: Grid code preparation: Request to support development of a grid code for RES installations FIT methodology development: Request to develop a methodology for FIT that is attractive for private sector and feasible for government Grid Absorption Study: Request to perform grid study to quantify RES absorption levels Generic Power Purchase Agreement template delivered Implementation status: RES targets revised based on grid study FIT levels now under discussion with stakeholders Grid code not yet implemented Seychelles: Emphasise that before doing a grid code and FIT methodology it is always good to do a grid integration study to Renewable integration potential paths (Source Energynautics) Consultant: Energynautics 11/27/2018 Martinique - Island Energy Transitions

6 Martinique - Island Energy Transitions
Technical Assistance to Support Expanded Private Participation in Renewable Energy Supply to the Grid – Mauritius Mauritius Location of project Mauritius Project period: November September 2014 Renewable energy source: Solar PV, Wind, Hydro, Biomass, Waste-based Energy Systems Project budget (USD): US$200,000 Multilateral setup: SIDS-DOCK funding (managed by ESMAP, WB), executed by the Central Electricity Board 11/27/2018 Martinique - Island Energy Transitions

7 Martinique - Island Energy Transitions
Technical Assistance to Support Expanded Private Participation in Renewable Energy Supply to the Grid – Mauritius Content of technical assistance Grid code preparation: Request to support development of a grid code for RES installations Grid Absorption Study: Request to perform grid study to quantify RES absorption levels FIT methodology development: Request to develop a methodology for FIT that is attractive for private sector and feasible for government. Generic Power Purchase Agreement template Implementation status RES targets revised based on grid study Grid code not yet implemented Consultant: Mercados 11/27/2018 Martinique - Island Energy Transitions

8 Martinique - Island Energy Transitions
11/27/2018 Martinique - Island Energy Transitions

9 Martinique - Island Energy Transitions
11/27/2018 Martinique - Island Energy Transitions

10 Launch of the VRE integration program
INCLUDE SLIDE ON VRE 11/27/2018 Martinique - Island Energy Transitions


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