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Write notes in LINK spiral

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1 Write notes in LINK spiral
CONFLICT Write notes in LINK spiral

2 CONFLICT Is the primary problem in a story. In other words, it is a clash or struggle between opposing forces. This battle may be either External or internal

3 Conflict is: Necessary to a story
Usually only one conflict in short stories Longer stories usually have more than one conflict Adds excitement and suspense Conflict is usually made clear in the exposition of a story.

4 Conflict… becomes more intense during the rising action
Character sometimes makes a decision during the climax that influences how conflict Conflict is solved during the resolution

5 External Conflict External conflict involves a struggle between a character and a force outside of himself. Kinds of external conflicts: Person vs. person Person vs. society Person vs. nature Person vs. fate (God)

6 PERSON VS. PERSON One character in a story has a problem with one or more of the other characters.

7 PERSON VS. NATURE A character has a problem with some element of nature: snowstorm, avalanche, bitter cold...a survival story.

8 PERSON VS. SOCIETY A character has a problem with society- school, the law, tradition...

9 PERSON VS. FATE A character has to battle what seems to be and uncontrollable problem.

10 INTERNAL CONFLICT Internal conflict is a struggle between a character and his inner self over a specific problem. The character often has trouble making a decision.

11 PERSON VS. SELF A character struggles inside or has trouble deciding what to do.

12 There can be more than one conflict in a story…
But, only one MAIN conflict.

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