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THIRD PARTIES Fill in outline with yellow highlighted words

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1 THIRD PARTIES Fill in outline with yellow highlighted words
Minor Parties THIRD PARTIES Fill in outline with yellow highlighted words

2 Minor Parties Minor Parties are SHORT LIVED
Any party other than one of the two major parties. They rarely win elections, often called Third parties. Introduce controversial subjects in hope of getting their goals picked up by the Major Parties Minor Parties are SHORT LIVED

3 Four Types: Ideological: particular set of ideas about how to change society overall rather than focusing on a single issue; very different from the 2 major parties; long- lived. Socialists (advocate govt. ownership of necessities like water, power, sewage) Communists (advocate govt. ownership) Libertarians (calls for drastic reductions in the size and scope of govt. in order to Increase personal freedoms) Ron Swanson on Libertarianism

4 Four Types: Single-Issue: focus exclusively on one major social, economic, or moral issue; short-term. Free Soil (took stronger stand against slavery)

5 Four Types: Economic Protest: rooted in periods of economic discontent; demand better times. Greenback Populists

6 Four Types: Splinter: split away from one of the 2 major parties. Most successful in past years. Formed around a strong personality. Bull Moose Progressives - Teddy Roosevelt American Independent - George Wallace United We Stand (Reform) - Ross Perot Green - Ralph Nader

7 3rd Parties’ Impact on the Process:
Many have presented new ideas that were unpopular or hotly debated at the time. Greenback = income tax & women suffrage Prohibition = prohibition of alcohol Populist = direct election of Senators Libertarian = legalization of drugs

8 Can they impact elections? Sometimes!


10 Why Minor Parties Are Important
Minor parties play several important roles: “Spoiler Role” Minor party candidates can pull decisive votes away from one of the major parties’ candidates, especially if the minor party candidate is from a splinter party. Critic Minor parties, especially single-issue parties, often take stands on and draw attention to controversial issues that major parties would prefer to ignore. Innovator Often, minor parties will draw attention to important issues and propose innovative solutions to problems. If these proposals gain popular support, they are often integrated into the platforms of the two major parties.

11 Obstacles for Minor Parties
Have difficulties getting on the ballot in all 50 states. They are required to obtain a large number of voter signatures. Single-member districts – only one candidate will win. Problems financing campaigns. Most minor parties will not qualify for public funding. They get LESS media coverage. (fundraising & swaying voters) Even if voters like the platform they tend to believe there is NO chance to win so they won’t contribute or vote.

12 Party Platform A political party platform or platform is a formal set of principal goals which are supported by a political party or individual candidate, in order to appeal to the general public, for the ultimate purpose of garnering the general public's support and votes about complicated topics or issues.

13 Summary of Minor Parties

14 Minor Parties

15 Libertarian Party Libertarian Party: 50 states

16 Green Party Green Party: 44 states (write-in status in an additional three states)

17 Constitution Party Constitution Party: 24 states (write-in status in an additional nine states)

18 Minor parties in Texas Minor Parties will nominate candidates for President according to party rule. However, the filing deadline for minor party candidates may not be any later than 6:00 p.m. on December 14, 2015. Currently, the Libertarian Party and the Green Party are the only minor parties in Texas that have ballot access.

19 Independent Candidates in Texas
Independent candidates for President file an application with the Secretary of State. The application must be submitted with a petition, and both documents must be filed no later than May 9, The petitions can be circulated beginning after March 1, 2016. For 2016, the petition must contain 79,939 signatures of registered voters who did not vote in the presidential primary of either party 1% of the total votes cast for all candidates in the previous presidential election an independent candidate for President must provide signed, written statements of consent to be a presidential elector candidate from 38 presidential elector candidates (the number of presidential electors that federal law allocates to Texas).

20 America First Party 1 America's Party American Party American Shopping Party Americans Elect Party Conservative Party Constitution Party 15 Democratic Party 51 Ecology Party Grassroots Party Green Party 21 Justice Party Labor Party Legal Marijuana Now Party Libertarian Party 33 Liberty Union Party Moderate Party Mountain Party Natural Law Party Party for Socialism and Liberation Peace and Freedom Party Progressive Party 2 Reform Party 4 Republican Party United Citizens Party Various parties calling themselves "Independent" or "Independence" parties 14 Women's Equality Party Working Families Party

21 Minor Political Parties
Airenson Socialist Party Alaskan Independence Party of Alaska America First Party American Party State Party: Florida, Texas, Wisconsin, America's Independent Party American Patriot Party American Beer Drinker's Party American Heritage Party of Washington American Independent Party of California - Affiliated with the Constitution Party Splinter Group,

22 Splinter Group, American Independent Party of Massachusetts American Nationalist Union American Nazi Party American Reform Party - A splinter group of the Reform Party American Synthesis Party American Third Position Party Autonomy Party Being Human Party of Utah Boston Tea Party British Reformed Sectarian Party of Florida, California Secessionist Parties - also see Bear Flag Party. Cascadian National Party Center Party Centre Party Christian Party of Florida Common Good Party Common Sense Party - (Alternate Site), Commonwealth Party Communist Party USA

23 Young Communist League USA
Committee for a Unified Independent Party ConcerYn for People Party of Colorado Concerned Citizens Party of Connecticut - Affiliated with the Constitution Party Confederate National Party State Parties: Arizona, Pennsyvlania, South Carolina, Virginia, Conservative Parties: State Parties: Louisiana, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Constitution Party Constitution Party Links Cool American Party Cool Moose Party of Rhode Island Corrective Action Party Covenant Party of the Northern Mariana Islands Creator's Right Party Democratic Party Democratic Party Links Democratic Farm Labor Party of Minnesota

24 U.S. Marijuana Party, Alternative Site,
Moderate Party of Florida Moderate Party of Rhode Island Monster Raving Looney Party of the United States Mountain Party of West Virginia - Affiliated with the Green Party National Alliance National Socialist Movement National Socialist White People's Party Nazi Parties: American National Socialist Workers Party, American Nazi Party, National Alliance, National Socialist Movement, Nationalist Workers Party, Neo Whig Party Netocratic Party New American Independent Party New Progressive Party of Wisconsin New Revolution Party of California National Nihilist Party Objectivist Party Open Party of California

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