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Division and Democracy in France

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1 Division and Democracy in France

2 France Under Napoleon III
Who’s Napoleon III? Ruled like a dictator Censorship Rigged elections Promoted investment and industry Rails and urban renewal French Ferdinand de Lesseps organized building of Suez Canal Began democratic ideas Franco Prussian War Ended French domination Third Republic formed

3 The Third Republic Rebels declared end to the Second Republic
1871: Surrendered Alsace and Lorraine to Germany for loss in Franco Prussian War

4 The Third Republic Third Republic Lasted 70 years
Two house legislature Chamber of Deputies—males voted Senate President—elected by Senate and chapter of Deputies Premier—Prime Minister had most power More than 2 parties Alliance to elect people

5 The Dreyfus Affair 1894: Alfred Dreyfus accused of spying for Germany
Rooted in anti-Semitism Convicted Life in prison on Devil’s Island Emile Zola J’Accuse he charged the army and government with suppressing the truth Accused of libel Exile

6 The Dreyfus Affair 1906: Dreyfus dismissed Anti-Semitism
1800s on the rise again Lower classes developed this outlook Dreyfus and Herzl called for Jewish state Herzl launched Zionism, or the movement devoted to rebuilding a Jewish state in Palistine

7 Reforms in France Laws on wages, hours and safety conditions
Free schools Repressed Catholic Church’s influence Church and state separate After 1945Women right to vote

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