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What culture supports this?

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Presentation on theme: "What culture supports this?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What culture supports this?
Learning Agenda Evidence Base What culture supports this? Continuous Context- Specific Analysis Outcome-Oriented Methods Design for Contribution Some organizations have invested in dedicated analysis teams as one approach in support of protection outcomes. How can a dedicated analysis team strategically shift how protection issues are understood, responded to, and continuously analyzed? What is required to make sure the perspective of the affected population is brought to bear at each stage of a response? What is required to make sure the perspective of the affected population is brought to bear at each stage of a response? How are organizational models that guide program staff (to carry out analysis, monitoring, strategy development, PIM, etc.) adapted when problem-solving? What type of organizational culture supports the creation of feedback loops? What steps or actions can organizations take to create a learning culture that enables effective information sharing/management of data? How do organizations promote the use of outcome-oriented methods consistently throughout the program cycle? How do we manage uncertainty? What does it look like to systematically work with risk? We know that collaboration leverages resources for collective benefit, but we don't always do this deliberately. What is needed to effectively collaborate? What is required to make sure the perspective of the affected population is brought to bear at each stage of a response? How do we shift the power dynamics between donors and organizations where trust is re- established and decisions can be made quicker removing bureaucratic impediments?

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