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Immigration: An American Story

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1 Immigration: An American Story
Remember to put in your own photos from your trip

2 Down to Buisness Essential Question Standards
What caused so many foreign people to immigrate to the U.S. in the early 1900’s? Concept 7: Emergence of the Modern United States PO 2. Assess how the following social developments influenced American society in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries: changing patterns in Immigration (e.g., Ellis Island, Angel Island, Chinese Exclusion Act, Immigration Act of 1924)

3 FRIDAY’S READING: Development of Industry
Left Side: FRIDAY’S READING: Development of Industry

4 Why Do I Care, Miss. McCormack
For millions of people around the country Ellis Island was the first place their ancestors ever stood on American soil. At the turn of the century the United States seemed to be not just a land of opportunities but a promise of hope for freedoms beyond anything they could have dreamed of. Taking a huge risk and hoping for an even bigger reward they began the long, expensive, and difficult journey to the United States until they finally saw Lady Liberty and all that she promised.

5 The New Colossus QUICKWRITE "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" QUICKWRITE Who do you believe the narrator of this poem is? What do you think this poem is about? -Emma Lazarus, 1883

6 Through the “Golden Door”
sought to escape difficult conditions famine land shortages religious/political persecution

7 Europeans east coast-Ellis Island 1870 - 1920: approx. 20 million
after 1890: many began coming from southern and eastern countries

8 Asia west coast-Angel Island Chinese Japanese
California Gold Rush (1848) built railroads as well as farming, mining, & domestic service Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882: severely limited Chinese immigration Japanese 1884: immigrating to Hawaii to work on plantations competitive wages

9 West Indies & Mexico came to eastern & southeastern United States
: approx. 260,000 came to America for job opportunities Jamaica, Cuba, Puerto Rico Mexicans find work & flee political issues


11 Life in the New Land A Difficult Journey travel by steamship
Atlantic Ocean: 1 week Pacific Ocean: 3 weeks approx. $15 a person many traveled steerage disease spread rapidly

12 Ellis Island, New York immigration station 1892 to 1924 2% sent back
approx. 17 million immigrants passed through 2% sent back physical examination government inspector

13 Ellis Island

14 Ellis Island

15 Ellis Island

16 Ellis Island

17 Angel Island Angel Island, California immigration station
1910 to 1940: approx. 50,000 Chinese harsh questioning long detention old dorm buildings

18 Angel Island

19 Angel Island

20 Angel Island

21 Starting Out Necessary for survival: find a place to live get a job
formed ethnic communities get a job learn language & culture

22 Immigration Restrictions
melting pot: mixture of people of different cultures & races who blend together by abandoning their native languages & customs The Rise of Nativism objection to immigrants from countries w/ different cultures or religions

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