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Literary devices Commonly used literary devices: Imagery Allusion

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1 Literary devices Commonly used literary devices: Imagery Allusion
Literary devices are techniques that writers intentionally use in the structure of their literature to create a specific effect. Commonly used literary devices: Imagery Allusion Figurative Language Simile Metaphor Personification Symbolism Onomatopoeia Alliteration Hyperbole

2 Imagery Imagery is language that appeals to the senses. It helps to create an image in your head. Writers can help us visualize by using many techniques. Some are: simile, metaphor, personification, allusion, symbolism, connotation, denotation

3 “Blackberry Eating” By Galway Kinnell
I love to go out in late September among the fat, overripe, icy, black blackberries to eat blackberries for breakfast, the stalks very prickly, a penalty they earn for knowing the black art of blackberry-making; and as I stand among them lifting the stalks to my mouth, the ripest berries fall almost unbidden to my tongue, as words sometimes do, certain peculiar words like strengths or squinched, many-lettered, one-syllabled lumps, which I squeeze, squinch open, and splurge well in the silent, startled, icy, black language of blackberry -- eating in late September.

4 Figurative language: Simile
A simile is a comparison between two things using the words than, like or as. Examples: The little ant was braver than a soldier. His hands were as cold as ice. Snow White’s lips were red like a rose.

5 Figurative language: Metaphor
A metaphor is a direct comparison between two unlike things where one word is used to designate the other (one is the other). Examples: When dad wakes up, he is an angry bear. Love is a tree with many branches.

6 “Night” by Patricia Hubbell
Night is a purple pumpkin. Laced with a silver web, And the moon a golden spider, Wandering through the strands. At dawn the purple pumpkin, Rolling slowly around, Leans against the star-web Moving the spider down. The silver web slides slowly, Slowly across the sky, And the spider moon creeps slowly, Slowly by. The twinkling stars cease spinning The skeins of silver gray, The spider moon Crawls down the strands And night turns into day.

7 Personification Personification is a literary device in which the writer gives humanlike characteristics to nonhuman things. Examples: The rain kissed the tulips. The leaves danced in the wind.

8 Figurative Language: Symbolism
Symbolism is a literary device in which the writer uses a word or object which represents a deeper meaning than the words themselves. It can be a material object or a written sign used to represent something invisible. Examples: skull and crossbones = danger light = knowledge dove= peace

9 Onomatopoeia Onomatopoeia is the use of a word whose sound imitates or suggests its meaning. Examples: whirr rustle

10 Allusion An allusion a reference to a person, place, thing, or event from history, literature, arts, religion, mythology, politics, sports, or science. Examples: “When she lost her job, she acted like a Scrooge, and refused to buy anything that wasn’t necessary.” “He was a real Romeo with the ladies.” “He was a Good Samaritan yesterday when he helped the lady start her car.”

11 Alliteration Alliteration is the repetition of the same or very similar consonant sounds in words that are close together. Examples: She sells seashells by the seashore. My brother was busy as a bee.

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