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Transport (Circulatory) Systems Blood and Immunity

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1 Transport (Circulatory) Systems Blood and Immunity

2 Transport (def) The absorption and distribution of materials throughout the organism (circulation) Humans – closed circulatory system Grasshopper – open circulatory system

3 Transport Media Consists of blood, Intercellular fluid (ICF) or lymph
A. The Blood 1. classified as a tissue by definition (a group of similar cells having the same general function 2. Made up of 2 parts a. Cells and Plasma

4 The blood after undergoing centrifugation
(separate substances by density)

5 90% Water

6 Plasma = ICF = Lymph B. Plasma – AKA the intercellular matrix called
1. consists of mostly water, dissolved proteins 2. clear straw color 3. transports nutrients, waste and gases 4. helps to regulate body temperature ****HHHH____ Plasma = ICF = Lymph

7 Plasma = ICF = Lymph In blood bathing tissue cell in lymphatic vessel
All are identical, the ONLY difference is in their location


9 THE BLOOD 1. Red Blood Cells a. biconcave disc structure proteins
b. no nuclei c. contain the pigment Hemoglobin Hgb (Like Earthworm) 1. allows for the transport of gases (O2 and CO2) d. 120 day life cycle 1. produced – in bone marrow 2. destroyed – liver and spleen


11 2. White Blood Cells a. produced in the bone marrow, lymph nodes and spleen b. increased presence with infection c. 2 types of WBC 1. Phagocytes a. multinucleated b. move by amoeboid motion using pseudopods c. engulfs bacteria by phagocytosis d. Antigen – any foreign protein (Substance) pathogen – anything that causes disease


13 2. Lymphcytes a. developes immunity to any foreign protein (Antigen) by producing Antibodies that against the antigen to neutralize them. b. Third line of Defense!! what’s the 1st ? _________________ the 2nd ? __________________ 3. Platelets a. disc fragments used in the clotting reaction b. clotting – enzyme controlled reaction**

14 4. Lymph and ICF a. disc fragments used in the clotting reaction b. ICF – intercellular fluid 1. consists of mostly water forced out of the blood capillaries c. bathes the tissue cells 1. brings O2 and Nutrients to the tissues cells 2. removes CO2 and wastes from tissue cells and brings back into blood capillaries d. Lymph – is the fluid that enters the Lymphatic vessel, for cleaning the blood fluid.

15 5. Flow of the ICG and the Lymphatic System
a. Blood flows from: high pressure Arteriole end of the capillary into tissue cells to low pressure at the vein end ICF returns to vein as Plasma b. Lymph fluid – if ICF enters the Lymphatic vessel c. Lymphatic system is a network of tubes throughout the body 1. lacteals (S.I) – absorbs ( ______________) d. All lymph flows back and renters the blood through the thoracic duct

16 5. The Lymphatic System (continued)
e. Lymph passes through lymph nodes d. Lymph nodes 1. contains millions of phagocytic cells 2. function is to fight and kill bacteria or any foreign invader (antigen/ pathogen) f. results in cleaned lymph fluid e. Swollen lymph nodes usually indicates an illness present.

17 The Protective Functions of the blood
Protection via: Blood clotting Phagocytosis Immunity 1. Blood Clotting a. is a series of enzyme controlled reactions b. initiated by damage to the tissue cells, results in platelets attaching to a rough surface, torn vessel

18 Steps of clotting Platelets and damaged Thromboplastin tissue cells
Prothrombin Thrombin Fibrinogen Fibrin Strands

19 2. Phagocytosis a. 1ST line of defense for the body is the skin and mucous membranes b. Phagocytes – 2nd line of defense 1. engulfing ability of invading organisms by phagocytosis 2. assist in the immune response Immune Response a. Is the bodies 3rd line of defense b. The union of antigens and antibodies 1. lock and key – highly specific 2. engulfed by phagocytosis c. Anitgen – any foreign chemical that promotes the formation of antibodies (Pathogen- anything that causes disease, illness)

20 Immune Response continued
d. Most are proteins, any virus, bacteria, splinter etc. e. Anitbody - a protein produced by the body 1. combines with the antigen to neutralize it 2. made in lymph tissue, nodes, bone marrow f. Lymphocytes – produce large amounts of Antibodies 1. produce memory cells – activated if reinfection Immune response is the formation of inflammation that brings an increased blood flow to the region of attack (carries WBC)

21 Immunity to Disease Immunity – the resistance of an organism to disease susceptibility – the organisms lack of immunity 2 Types of Immunity – Active and Passive immunity 1. Active – when the individual makes their own antibodies (How?) a. Getting sick b. receiving a VACCINATION VACCINE – contains weakened or dead forms of the microbe (disease) 1. chicken pox a. benefit – provides long term immunity b. problem – you can get the disease

22 Immunity to Disease VACCINE – contains weakened or dead forms of the microbe (disease) 1. chicken pox a. benefit – provides long term immunity b. problem – you can get the disease ie: Salk vaccine – Polio 2. Passive Immunity a. Immunity that you get as the result of receiving antibodies b. usually in the form of a serum (Outbreak movie)

23 Allergies a. sensitivity to antigens that do not affect most people b. pollens – runny nose and hay fever c. shellfish – vomiting, diarrhea, skin rash d. peanuts e. insect bites 1. with an Allergic Response, this results in an increase in the production of Histamines a. take antihistamines to minimize the reaction Asthma – allergic reaction causing constriction of theair passages, wheezing

24 Blood Type Antigen Present Antibodies present 5. Blood Types
a. Discovered in 1900 by Karl Lanstiener b. found that there are 4 blood types c A B AB O d. each blood type is identified by their antigen present in the cell Blood Type Antigen Present Antibodies present A Anti B B Anti A AB None O Anti A, Anti B

25 Anti B Anti A A B Anti A, Anti B AB O

26 Blood Agglutination testing for types
Anti A Anti B

27 6. Rh FACTOR a. Rh is an antigen that is present on the RBC of 85% of the population b. Rh + people with the anitgen present c. Rh – people without the antigen d. Problem exists when the mother is (-) father is (+), baby is (+) e. Develop a condition called erythroblastosis fetalis f. Phogam – drub administered during labor to counteract this problem

28 Rh relationships Mother + - Father Baby Results

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