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Spanish Direct Objects

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1 Spanish Direct Objects
The object that directly receives the action of the verb is called the Direct Object. Spanish Direct Objects

2 Luisa buys it (the book) for Pedro today.
DIRECT OBJECTS Look at the following sentence: Luisa buys it (the book) for Pedro today. Identify the subject. Identify the verb. Find the Direct Object by asking who or what after the verb.

3 DIRECT OBJECTS Direct Object Pronouns take the place of a noun.
They include: it (singular; can be feminine or masculine) them (plural; can be feminine or masculine) me you us

4 What are the Spanish Direct Objects?

5 DIRECT OBJECTS Use the following Spanish pronouns when replacing the direct objects. lo= it, him, you-formal (masculine, singular) la=it, her, you-formal (feminine, singular) los=them, you-all (masculine, plural) las=them, you-all (feminine, plural)

6 Luisa buys it for Pedro today.
DIRECT OBJECTS Let’s write the sentence in Spanish replacing the direct object with a Spanish direct object pronoun: Luisa buys it for Pedro today. The Spanish direct object pronoun needed for “it” is lo because book is a masculine, singular noun.

7 DIRECT OBJECTS So, we have so far… Luisa buys it for Pedro today. (lo)
Where do we place Spanish Direct Objects in a Spanish sentence? …Before the conjugated verb! Luisa lo compra para Pedro hoy.

8 Manuel los recibe a escuela.
DIRECT OBJECTS Try an example: Manuel receives them at school. (them=books) Manuel los recibe a escuela.

9 Maria has it (the pen) now.
DIRECT OBJECTS Try example 2: Maria has it (the pen) now. pen= la pluma Since “la pluma” is a feminine, singular noun we must use the Spanish direct object-la. Maria la tiene ahora.

10 DIRECT OBJECTS Escribe…Practica…
1. We are listening to the boys on Sunday. 2. Do you (Ud.) remember the girl today? 3. They do not look for the boys in school. 4. I am selling (vender) my old car to Luisa tomorrow.

11 Using Direct Objects in a negative sentence.

12 Luisa no lo compra para Pedro hoy.
DIRECT OBJECTS If the sentence contains a “no,” the direct object pronoun still is placed directly BEFORE the conjugated verb. Ex. Luisa does not buy it for Pedro today. Luisa no lo compra para Pedro hoy.

13 DIRECT OBJECTS Direct Objects used with an infinitive in the sentence. Ex. Yo voy a comprar el coche.

14 DIRECT OBJECTS Infinitive phrases to know:
1) ir + a + infinitive=going to _______ 2) necesitar + infinitive=need to ________ 3) tener + que + infinitive=to have to ______ 4) tener + ganas de + infinitive=to feel like ________ 5) esperar + infinitive=to hope to __________

15 DIRECT OBJECTS What we know: We lend it (money) to Pedro.

16 We are going to lend it (money) to Pedro.
DIRECT OBJECTS Where we are going: We are going to lend it (money) to Pedro. Nosotros vamos a prestarlo a Pedro.

17 DIRECT OBJECTS Direct Objects with Infinitives
If a Direct Object is in a sentence that contains an infinitive, the Direct Object must not be placed BEFORE the conjugated verb but ATTACHED to the infinitive. Ex. Luisa is going to buy the car for Mateo. Luisa va a comprarlo para Mateo.

18 DIRECT OBJECTS Try some examples:
She needs to learn them. (los verbos) 2. Are we going to listen to her now? 3. The nice woman has to sell the newspaper today. 4. We give it (the television) to Julia.

19 DIRECT OBJECTS TAREA: Write the following in your notebook for homework and replace the Direct Object: Watch out for infinitives! When do we need to watch him? The girls have to look for her today. Do you-all hope to buy it (magazine) at school? Mateo is going to lend them (pens) to Miguel now. She has to tell him today. I am going to tell it (news) now.

20 DIRECT OBJECTS Practica: Write the following replacing the Direct Object. She watches him. You-all have to buy it (book) at school. She has to tell us today. I am going to close the door now.

21 DIRECT OBJECTS The Direct Objects: me, te, nos

22 DIRECT OBJECTS Where we have been: She looks for him. Ella lo busca. What happens if you see: She looks for us?

23 Now the grand total of Spanish Direct Objects is 7!
There are three additional Spanish Direct Objects: me= te= nos= Now the grand total of Spanish Direct Objects is 7! lo, la, los, las, me, te, nos

24 DIRECT OBJECTS All seven Direct Objects follow the same rules for placement in a Spanish sentence. Spanish Direct Objects are placed BEFORE a conjugated verb or ATTACHED to an infinitive. Ex. Yo te digo. Ex. Yo voy a decirte.

25 DIRECT OBJECTS Try a few examples to make sure:
You (Ud.) watch me at school. We send (mandar) you (inf.) to the store. They are looking for us on Saturday. The nice girls have to listen to us now. When are you-all telling us?

26 DIRECT OBJECTS TAREA: Write the following replacing any Direct Objects. The smart girls have it (car)for Sarah today. Do you-all lend it (pen) to Kevin? Hannah writes them (letters) to Lauren now. You-all buy it (candy) for Joey today. I believe you now. But she does not believe us. Larissa and Kassidy read it (book) to the class. Do you (inf.) tell me? When does Margaret listen to us?

27 DIRECT OBJECTS TAREA: Write the following replacing any Direct Objects. The smart girls have it (car)for Dom today. Do you-all lend it (pen) to Brock? Kate writes them (letters) to Calli now. You-all buy it (candy) for Eli today. I believe you now. But I do not believe Andrew. Claire and Lucy read it (book) to Colin. Do you (inf.)have to tell me? When does Macy need to listen to us?

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