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Activism, Advocacy, and the Pursuit of Educational Change

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Presentation on theme: "Activism, Advocacy, and the Pursuit of Educational Change"— Presentation transcript:

1 Activism, Advocacy, and the Pursuit of Educational Change
Thursday, October 26, 2018 Presented by: Clyde Wilson Pickett, EdD

2 Presentation Overview
Introduction Guiding Questions Overview of the Inclusive Directions book Business as Usual…Landscape of P-20 Educational Environments Utilizing a “Change Agent” lens as an educator

3 Guiding Questions How is activism shaping the current landscape of p-20 education? How might we use it to you benefit? How might it be an impediment to academic success and completion? How do we provide educators with the appropriate amount of training and competency to meet the needs of a wide variety of learners? How do collectively decide on equitable educational outcomes? What are ways we can advocate for change in your educational setting?

4 Key Thoughts “ We recognize that schools do not exist in a vacuum. They are, instead, quite closely connected to the society they serve.” (Sleeter, C. E., & Grant, C. A. (2009). Making choices for multicultural education: Five approaches to race, class, and gender. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.)

5 Key Thoughts “ People are seeing contradictions today related to sexism, racism, and bias against people with disability and gay people. In some cases, it seems that race, gender and bias against a disability are no longer societal problems.” (Sleeter, C. E., & Grant, C. A. (2009). Making choices for multicultural education: Five approaches to race, class, and gender. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.) What are the current impact and ramifications of stratification? What are the impacts on educational attainment?

6 Business as Usual The Issues Race Class Gender Socioeconomic status
Ability status What else….?

7 Business as Usual Emerging Issues…. Academic preparation
Culturally relevant instruction Political influences on education and educational leadership Funding models Enrollment management priorities Broader societal issues….

8 Business as Usual How teachers teach? What teachers teach?
How we group students…. The culture of education in schools and society…

9 The Change Agent in Education
“While the scope of responsibility of serving as a change agent can take the form of various designations, the importance of proactive leadership is nonnegotiable.” Educators who do not actively pursue equitable outcomes cannot impact change!

10 Key Considerations for the Change Agent
Change Agents must consider the Campus Climate (or the climate for other educational settings) “Climate refers to the experiences and treatments of individuals at an educational setting.” Why does (campus) climate matter? The importance of faculty representation and buy-in.

11 Key Considerations for the Change Agent
Attraction, retention, and involvement of a diverse student body Utilizing data as a source to advance outcomes Access to student voices Influencing policy, procedure and compliance (3 Ps People, Places, Perceptions) Strategic Planning

12 The Lens of a Change Agent
Is your vision and intention or focus directed toward a limited group of constituents? Do you have identified allies? Who do you see as an ally? Who are we forgetting?

13 Issues That Impact Academic Success for Diverse Students
Language & Communication - conversational - verbal & nonverbal Lack of resources Lack of awareness of support services

14 Diversity Trends In 2015, 80% of the anticipated 2.6 million new college students will be ethnically diverse. Nationwide, the number of undergraduate minority students enrolled in colleges and universities will increase from 29.4% to 37.2%. (Minorities in Higher Education Status Report, 2010). Increase in non-English speakers, even in domestic minority populations The Latino population, already the nation’s largest minority group, will triple in size and will account for most of the nation’s population growth from 2005 through Hispanics will make up 29% of the U.S. population in 2050, compared with 14% in 2005 Increase in international / immigrant population

15 Issues That Impact Academic Success for Diverse Students
Language & Communication - conversational - verbal & nonverbal Lack of resources Lack of awareness of support services

16 Issues That Impact Academic Success for Diverse Students
Language & Communication - conversational - verbal & nonverbal Lack of resources Lack of awareness of support services

17 Issues That Impact Academic Success for Diverse Students
Lack of community & mentors Isolation & lack of social supports Fear of discrimination, judgment and consequences Cultural norms & mores

18 What do Diverse (ALL) Students Want?
Someone in a position of Authority Personalized support Respect, understanding and acknowledgement of their expressed needs

19 What do Diverse (ALL) Students Want?
Suspension of judgment Easily comprehensible information Options and possible comparative outcomes Guidance and direction Validation

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