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TransportPortal TransportPortal is a software designed for Transporters in Tanzania and East Africa. It helps to manage all basic things of a transport.

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Presentation on theme: "TransportPortal TransportPortal is a software designed for Transporters in Tanzania and East Africa. It helps to manage all basic things of a transport."— Presentation transcript:

1 TransportPortal TransportPortal is a software designed for Transporters in Tanzania and East Africa. It helps to manage all basic things of a transport company running either locally or in transit. Basic idea behind developing this software is to help transporters to keep track of record of their daily transactions. Details we managing in TransportPortal are as follows: Truck Details Trip Details Accounts Spare Items Documents Truck Services Currency continue…

2 Truck Master Image showing fields of truck master. field details are as follows Truck no. Truck type : type of truck, weather it is skeleton, skeleton mid-lift, double diff etc. Truck fuel type : fuel type, weather it is petrol or diesel. Truck/Trailer : select weather it is truck or trailer. Truck Model : model no. SC 113, SC 114, SC 124, MAN, DAFF etc. Loaded Avg : loaded average. Empty Avg : empty average. Remark : if is there anything for remark. Status : active/inactive

3 Trip Master These are the fields of trip master. Once enter details for a particular trip and when we select trip in truck log it automatically fetches trip expenses into trip log for that particular trip. Trip Name : name of trip. Kilometer : no. of kilometers of a trip. Posho : driver/t.boy expenses for that trip. Road tall : road toll if transit trip. Council Tax/Parking Agent Name : name of agent if we have on that route. Remark : if anything to remark.

4 Accounts Account form is a common form for all accounts.
It contains all type of accounts Customer Supplier Agent Bank Cash Driver Petro station Expense Fill the fields as per requirement. Click on Search to get the account details.

5 Documents Document form helps to keep track of truck doc’s.
We can set reminder by entering start and end date of documents. Fields of document form are as shown in form. Second image shows how we can check the document details. Click on Search to get the document details.

6 Service Service form keeps detail of truck engine service.
We can set remainder for next service by kilometer or date. Fields and details of service form is as shown in images.

7 Spare Item Spare Item form allows to manage daily using spare parts.
Also we can manage minimum stock for that particular spare. Fields of spare item is shown in image. Issue Rate : you will get this rate at issue time and can change accordingly. Minimum Stock : how many parts you keeping in store as spare. When it reaches below stock level it gives reminder in Item Wise Supplier list in Report. Click on Search to get the item details. There is one more form in which we can manage currency.

8 Trip Log Trip log is the main part of s/w, as we can manage Income, Expenses and Diesel here in this form. First fill the truck and driver details. Then in Trip fill the fields accordingly and click Add to add that trip. if you want to update trip, select trip click on update, make changes and click on Add. Return Trip : select return, return date, return trip name. then fill the return trip details. We can get all previous trip details here in search.

9 Expenses By entering Expenses we get list of all expenses we made for particular trip. To update expense do the same as for trip. Select expense, click on update, make change and click Add. Total Expense : it gives you the total Expense of trip other then diesel. Total expense down to total income gives the sum total of expenses and diesel.

10 Diesel Diesel form is the core part. As fields highlighted in form it gives us total loaded and empty kilometers. By that kilometers and average we calculate diesel limit, total diesel we used and diesel remain. Diesel Amount : it gives the total amount of diesel we used. Total Expense : gives the sum total of expenses and diesel amount. By doing all these we can get total income, total expense and net profit per trip.

11 Trip Edit Trip edit displays list of running trips.
It allows us to update trip, update status etc. We can update status and save it as pdf, excel, word type files and mail it to our clients. Status file covers Trip date Trip name Description Tons Truck no. Trailer no. Driver name Mobile no. Status of truck

12 Status Report Status Report allows you to send report of truck status to your clients. To get report click on client name. you can save this report in different file formats like pdf, excel, word etc. It contains all required details that a client needs.

13 Spare Purchase Purchase form allows to make entries of invoices from our suppliers. When make entry of invoice it automatically increase item stock. By doing this we can manage spare price and stock. It also manages supplier account.

14 Spare Issue Spare Item Issue allows us to issue spare for particular trucks. Once we issue spare to truck, it reduce spare from stock and issue to truck. By clicking on search we can get list of spares we issued to trucks.

15 Invoice Invoice form allows us to generate invoices as per trip entries in trip log. It allows to add extra charges, demurrages in the same invoice. Also can make invoices with/without VAT. Make invoices for one trip or trips together, as per requirement. We can print it or save it to pdf file. Once save invoice it transfers total to clients account.

16 Receipt Receipt allows user to make transactions.
It is having four types of transactions Receipt : to receive payments from clients. Payment : to make payment to our suppliers. Journal : to make direct payment from client to supplier Contra : to make transaction form bank to cash and cash to bank. Current Bal : showing the current balance in bank and second is amount payable to supplier. Amount from : bank a/c Amount to : supplier, client etc. We can write check no. in special note for reference.

17 Report Report allows user to check all accounts, item stock, truck ledger etc. forms that report contains are: Account Ledger : to check all accounts by date wise. Item Ledger : to check spare balance in stock. Truck Ledger : to check truck wise spare used and expense. Net Profit : to check net profit per truck, per trip. Company Ledger : total incomings and total outgoings currency wise. Pending invoice list Total Receivables Item wise supplier list Truck wise expense summary Total Payable Truck/trailer/driver free list Trip Wise Diesel Used Admin form lets you to create admin and users as per requirement.

18 Account Ledger Account Ledger allows you to check all a/c’s that we create in master. Enter date, select a/c name and click on search. It shows you all the transactions between two dates. Also shows total amount to pay or receive. Special note marked with blue shows bank cheque number that we paid to supplier.

19 Item Ledger Item Ledger shows purchase and issue record of an Item with date and truck no. Also it gives total no. of In, Out and Balance Quantity. It seems same as stock card.

20 Truck Ledger Truck Ledger gives details of issued spares between specified time period. It gives total expense per truck.

21 Gross Profit Net Profit gives profit per truck, per trip for a specified time period.

22 Company Ledger Company Ledger gives total Ins, total outs and balance for specific time period.

23 Pending Invoice List Pending Invoice List gives the list of invoices left to write.

24 Total Receivables Total Receivables shows invoice wise pending payments from clients.

25 Item Wise Supplier List
Item Wise Supplier List is a list of all spares in stock. It displays minimum stock level. Also gives reminder when stock item goes down to minimum stock level. If we buy same spare from different suppliers. Then it gives all rates from different suppliers for the same spare.

26 Truck Wise Expense Summary
This form gives total expense for all trucks for a specific time period. Also it gives total expense for all trucks.

27 Total Payable Total Payable is a form with the list of amount to pay to our suppliers. This list displays invoice wise. By clicking on export summary we can get total amount to pay per supplier. Also we can print that list.

28 Truck, Trailer, Driver free list
When we close a trip. It starts calculating days and displays that from how many days truck, trailer or driver is pending in yard.

29 Truck Wise Diesel Used This form shows diesel limit, diesel used and diesel remain for a particular trip.

30 Company Year We can change company years to forward or reverse from this form.

31 User Master User Master allows you to create new users with user name, password and person name.

32 User Rights User Rights allows us to give rights to different users.

33 Contact us Kana Chundavadara kvchundavadara@gmail.com
For this project and any type of IT Solutions like Software Development, Websites, WebPages, Advertisement contact us on given details. Kana Chundavadara Cell no

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