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Components of Wellness

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1 Components of Wellness
By: Jessica Kotelnicki

2 Wellness An active process through which people become aware of, and make choices toward a more successful existence ҉ A choice, way of life, process, and an integration of the body, mind and spirit

3 7 Components of Wellness
Spiritual Social Physical Intellectual Occupational Environmental Emotional


5 Spiritual Provides meaning and direction in life and enables you to grow, learn, and meet new challenges Not necessarily relating to religious aspect

6 Social Having the ability to interact successfully with people and one’s personal environment Ability to establish and maintain relationships with other people

7 Physical The ability to carry out daily tasks, develop cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness, maintain good nutrition and a healthy body fat level Avoiding abuse of alcohol and drugs Making positive lifestyle choices


9 Emotional Ability to control stress and to express emotions appropriately and comfortably

10 Intellectual Ability to learn and use information effectively for personal family and career development

11 Occupational Ability to achieve a balance between work, school, and leisure time Having personal satisfaction

12 Environmental The ability to promote health measures that improve the standard of living in the community, including laws and safeguarding the physical environment

13 Adapting to Change? While achieving lifestyle change, some may need the self-help approach This change could be caused by unhealthy lifestyles or behaviors Change can be hard, dealing with it in a healthy controlled manner is the most important part

14 Self-Help Assumes that individuals can manage their lifestyle changes and can learn to control those features in the environment that are detrimental to your health Love yourself, love your body. Make healthy choices

15 Starts with yourself

16 Change Three stages Visitor (red light) Complainer (yellow light)
Customer (green light)

17 Visitor Need change Someone who does not see need for change
Believes things are fine just as they are Does not recognize a problem exists Need change

18 Complainer Someone with a problem but who does not yet feel the desire to take action Aware that a problem exists Feel like they can do nothing Can feel like they are stuck in a box

19 Customer Someone who knows there is a problem and is ready to do something about it Clearly motivated Understands what is required to fix the problem

20 Helpful Websites

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