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Welcome Year 6 SATs & Revision Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Year 6 SATs & Revision Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Year 6 SATs & Revision Workshop

2 Timetable SATs begin week commencing 14th May 2018: Monday 14th May
English grammar, punctuation and spelling test, Paper 1, short answer questions. English grammar, punctuation and spelling test, Paper 2, spelling. Tuesday 15th May English reading test Wednesday 16th May Mathematics Paper 1, arithmetic test. Mathematics Paper 2, reasoning. Thursday 17th May Mathematics Paper 3, reasoning.

3 Monday 14th May Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Tests
Paper 1 - grammar, punctuation and vocabulary 50 marks 45 minutes Questions get harder throughout the test Main question types Select the correct answer e.g. identify…, match… Write a short answer of their own e.g. complete/correct/rewrite… write… explain… Paper 2 - spelling 20 words (20 marks) 15 minutes approximately

4 Tuesday 15th May Reading Test
Reading booklet A selection of texts, usually three The texts will increase in difficulty Answer booklet 50 marks 60 minutes (including reading time) Main question types Make inferences from the text / and justifying inferences with evidence from the text. Retrieve and record information / identify key details from fiction and non-fiction. Give / explain the meaning of words in context .

5 Wednesday 16th May and Thursday 17th May Mathematics Tests
Paper 1 - arithmetic test 36 questions (40 marks) 30 minutes Papers 2 and 3 – reasoning 35 marks per paper 40 minutes per paper Questions get harder throughout the test Children can ask us to read any question to them. 75 to 85% of marks will be given for number, arithmetic, fractions, decimals. percentages, ratio and proportion questions. The remaining marks will be awarded for measurement, geometry and statistic questions.

6 What can the Children do at Home?
Read for pleasure and talk about their reading with someone at home to develop their understanding of what they have read. Homework Linked to the week’s teaching Spelling and times table practice Revision from The ‘Year 6 Revision Corner’ on the Roose School Website or other websites.

7 Online - Free Revision Sites 5th to 6th Grade Mathematics – Learning Games BBC Bitesize SATs Revision Practise for SATs with these English and Maths revision activities.

8 Online- School Subscription Revision Site . School has paid the subscription for this programme for each child in Year 6. The children use Mathletics in school but they can also access it from home as they each have their own username and password and can log directly onto the site. Mathletics can be accessed from the Roose School Learning Wall.

9 Writing and Results End of Key Stage 2 Writing is teacher assessed.
This will be submitted by 28th June 2018. There are three standards: Working Towards ARE, Working At ARE, Working Above ARE. Writing is moderated internally. The Local Authority may also choose to moderate our teacher assessment. Tuesday 10th July 2018 test scripts and results to be returned to school.

10 Thank you Any questions?

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