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Welcome to the Year 6 SATs meeting. Purpose of the meeting To gain an understanding of the tests and what the attainment levels mean. To receive information.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Year 6 SATs meeting. Purpose of the meeting To gain an understanding of the tests and what the attainment levels mean. To receive information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Year 6 SATs meeting

2 Purpose of the meeting To gain an understanding of the tests and what the attainment levels mean. To receive information about the week of the tests. To look at ways of helping your child through the revision period.

3 The tests 3 curriculum areas assessed – English and maths have tests and teacher assessment Science only has teacher assessment You will receive national curriculum levels for all 3

4 National curriculum levels The Primary school curriculum covers Levels 1 to 6. The majority of children should achieve Level 2 by the end of Year 2, and Level 4 by the end of Year 6. They are also expected to make 2 levels progress between Year 2 and Year 6 – so a child who achieved Level 1 in Year 2 should get Level 3 by Year 6. A child achieving Level 3 by Year 2 should achieve Level 5 by the end of Year 6.

5 The levels tested Questions set at Level 3, 4 and Level 5 within each paper. Total of correct answers equate to levels. Majority of Year 6 children expected to achieve Level 4. L6 are separate papers. Level 3 - below average. Level 5 - above average. Below Level 3 - teacher assessment.


7 READING TEST 60 minutes to complete reading and answering of questions

8 Different genres: FICTION Stories - Usually 2-3 pages Poems Play scripts NON – FICTION Many different types: e.g. Information texts Comic strips News reports Articles Interviews Biographies Auto-biographies Websites Etc.



11 Multiple-choice questionsContent questions

12 Inference/deduction questions

13 How can I help my child improve their reading level? Is your child reading at home? Are they regularly changing their reading book? (school or library) Are you listening to them read? Are you asking them questions about what they have read? Are you signing their Reading Record book and reminding them to return it on the correct day? Have you tried any study aids or revision booklets?

14 WRITING No formal tests during test week On-going assessment in children’s books Teachers use set criteria to determine level Writing can also be externally moderated so teachers need to be accurate awarding levels

15 How can I help my child improve their writing level? The more children read, the better they will write! They will be able to: - recognise different genres more easily - have more creative ideas to write about - recognise good punctuation, vocabulary etc. Encourage children to read different types of text: News papers Non-fiction books etc. Ask children about their writing levels and targets

16 HANDWRITING *Consistent size *Correctly joined *Spaces between words

17 How can I help my child improve their Handwriting? Are you encouraging neat presentation and handwriting when your child is doing their homework or any other writing at home? - Joined handwriting - Consistent letter size - Consistent spaces between words

18 GRAMMAR PUNCTUATION AND SPELLING TEST Formally tested for the last two years 40 marks Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 20 marks Separate Spelling test

19 How can I help my child improve their grammar, punctuation and spelling? Is your child bringing their spelling list home on Monday? Is your child practising their spelling list every day? Are you encouraging children to speak correctly. e.g NOT…We was going… We were going…

20 Are you checking grammar, punctuation and spelling within homework tasks and encouraging children to be as accurate as possible? Additional study aids: - Revision textbook and practise pack - Example test and mark scheme


22 What do the tests look like? There are 2 Maths Test papers, each taking 45 minutes. There is also a Mental Maths paper. All tests are NON-calculator. Children are encouraged to do ‘working out’ on the test paper.

23 What is covered in the tests? Number Fractions, percentages and decimals Shape and space Measures Time Ratio and proportion Algebra Data handling

24 The mark scheme The papers are marked externally. Papers A and B each carry a total of 40 marks and the Mental Maths test carries 20 marks. Total 100 marks.

25 The Mental Maths Test The test consists of 20 questions. Each question is read twice. The first 5 questions are easier and the children will have only five seconds to answer. The next 10 questions require a little more working out and they will have 10 seconds for each. For the last 5 questions 15 seconds are allowed.

26 Guide to Marks This is only a rough guide based on previous years. 22 – 30 Level 3C 31 – 39 Level 3B 40 – 48 Level 3A 49 – 58 Level 4C 59 – 68 Level 4B 69 – 77 Level 4A 78+ Level 5

27 How can I help my child with maths? Make sure that homework is done. Talk through homework and ask the children to explain what they are doing. Make sure they know their multiplication tables. Use opportunities at home to discuss, dates, times etc. Encourage children to discuss any problems with their teacher.

28 Using the Maths Revision Pack Includes: -A Maths text book -A Maths work book -An example of a SATs paper -A mark scheme for this paper

29 A few short sessions are better than long ones, especially after a long school day. Talk through the sections with your child. Take it slowly and make sure they understand everything. After completing each section work through the questions in the Question Book. Encourage your child to talk about what they know.

30 SATs week May 11 th – 15 th 2015 Government set timetable

31 Other issues Attendance Punctuality Behaviour and attitude Sleep Breakfast Avoiding upset

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