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Synthesis Writing It’s basically a DBQ.

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1 Synthesis Writing It’s basically a DBQ

2 What is it? You are given an introduction to and description of an issue that has varying viewpoints associated with it [a debateable topic] You are given a selection of sources that addresses the topic Can be written texts including non-fiction, fiction, poetry, drama and could also include visual arguments. Synthesis: putting together different parts to form a new complete whole. Integrating various textual evidence to support your own claim.

3 What is the process? Read and annotate the PROMPT.
Decide on your position BEFORE you go hunting through the resources. Find the resources that you can use. You must use at least THREE.

4 What is the purpose? Reading critically Understanding texts
Analyzing texts Developing a position on a topic Supporting that position Supporting that with appropriate evidence Incorporating sources into your own text Citing sources

5 Ways to Synthesize Paraphrasing: putting a specific passage in your own words. Use your own language. Always acknowledge your source. Summary: to shorten or condense another’s work. What’s the difference? Paraphrase restates a work on the sentence level and somewhat mirrors the language of the original. Summary crystallizes the main idea. Quotation: reproducing an author’s writing word for word. Use this when an author’s phrasing is so striking or eloquent that paraphrase or summary would fall flat in comparison. Preserve the quote exactly.

6 Effective Synthesis Allow space for your thoughts… you are the most important part of the synthesis. The evidence is just there to back you up. Get into a dialogue with the material. Being a critical reader is key. You don’t have to agree with everything. Think, Revise, Rewrite. Just rushing through to get done will not produce a well- synthesized argument.

7 Improving Use of Outside Sources
Keep your argument in the foreground. Your argument is FIRST. Weave the sources into the argument. Don’t just plop quotes in there to have them. They are there for support. First make your writing CLEAR. Then make it LIVELY. All the wonderful phrasing in the world will not be helpful if we have no idea what you are saying.

8 Random notes Weak synthesis papers don’t truly understand the sources
Document driven papers are automatic 4… you want ARGUMENT driven. Where source material ends and student words begin must be clear. Paraphrasing is fine but cite and make it clear. Remember to consider the audience.

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