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2 If you don’t understand what is being signed…

3 …get the attention of the person who is signing to you by signing "hey" …

4 …ask the signer to slow down…

5 …or repeat …

6 Suppose you don’t understand the sign “Teacher.”

7 Show the person the sign you didn’t understand
Show the person the sign you didn’t understand. You don’t have to do it perfect.

8 Ask the person to spell it.

9 If the person spells too fast, try to catch the first letter
If the person spells too fast, try to catch the first letter. Then hold your hand up in that same first letter (or any letter) and sign “spell.” Squint your eyes a bit.

10 Keep your hand in the air and follow him through the word until you are sure you have it.

11 Then sign the word while nodding to show that you understand that word.

12 If you’ve forgotten the sentence, sign: “ALL AGAIN”

13 If the person spells a word that you don’t know the meaning of, sign: “MEANING?” with furrowed eyebrows.

14 Furrowed eyebrows are used with WH-type questions (who, what, when, where, why, which, etc.) Example: "What do you mean?" = (what)-MEAN?

15 Let’s review those signs…

16 HEY

17 AGAIN - repeat - do it over - re-do

18 SLOW - Reduced speed - Not fast - Slowly - Slow down

19 SPELL - fingerspell - spell out - spelling - to spell letters

20 ALL - whole - complete - entire

21 UNDERSTAND - I get it - Comprehend - Comprehension - Understanding

22 DON’T-UNDERSTAND - I don't get it. - It isn't clear to me
DON’T-UNDERSTAND - I don't get it. - It isn't clear to me. - Not understood. - Not comprehended.

23 HEY




27 ALL




31 When asking “How do you sign” something, you don’t need a separate sign for HOW. Just do the sign “SIGN” and furrow your eyebrows and spell the sign you want to know. Example: “SIGN ___?”

32 When asking: “What does _____ mean
When asking: “What does _____ mean?” You don’t need a separate sign for "what." Just furrow your eyebrows and sign MEANING? (And show your teacher or friend the sign you don’t know. He or she will spell it to you or explain it.)

33 During class I will often point to the board and sign: ASK-to-me Which means I want you to ask me the question that is on the board.

34 ASK-to-me versus: COME-to-here

35 Relax. Stay calm.

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