NJVOAD Conference – April 12, 2018

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1 NJVOAD Conference – April 12, 2018
Engaging People with Disabilities and Access & Functional Needs in Preparedness, Response & Recovery NJVOAD Conference – April 12, 2018 Kelly Boyd, NJ Office of Emergency Management Joe Geleta, NJ Department of Human Services–Office of Emergency Management Lauri Gill, American Red Cross Carole Tonks, Alliance Center for Independence

2 Preparedness and Planning
DAFN Planning is critical State Emergency Operations Plan (SEOP) ESF#6 Mass Care/ Emergency Assistance DAFN Annex to ESF#6 Shelter Task Force – DAFN Sub-committee NJ GAINED Planning/Training/Exercises Joe

3 Register Ready: An Overview
Kelly Presented by: Kelly Boyd, Access & Functional Needs Planner NJ Office of Emergency Management

4 Overview of Register Ready
Register Ready enables New Jersey residents with disabilities or access and functional needs (DAFN) and their families, friends, caregivers, and associates to enter relevant personal information into a database so emergency responders can enhance plans related to serving those with DAFN before, during or after a disaster or other emergency.

5 Overview of Register Ready
Register Ready is a free, voluntary, and confidential web-based program designed to identify the needs of people who have disabilities or access and functional needs and may have difficulty getting to safety during an emergency. The information collected is not available to the public. It is held securely on dedicated state servers. The information is only used for emergency response and planning.

6 How to Register People with disabilities or access and functional needs (or their caregivers) and are encouraged to register by: going to calling New Jersey’s toll-free telephone service. Operators will register callers, offer free translation, and provide TTY services for those with hearing impairments.

7 How to Register Managers of facilities that house people with disabilities and others with access and functional needs are also encouraged to register the facility as a whole.

8 Accessing Registry Data
The State AFN Planner has oversight of the registry and can grant administrative access. Each County has an AFN Coordinator who can access the registry. A list of County AFN Coordinators can be found on NJOEM’s website. This person can provide administrative access to other county employees, as well as staff from municipality OEMs and disability agencies.

9 Utilizing the Registry
Evacuation purposes Shelter planning Helping those with DAFN make personal preparedness plans

10 Utilizing the Registry During Emergencies
Those who have administrative access can search the registry and export data. Data can be used to create lists for: Reverse 911 alerts Emergency managers or CERT members to use to call or go door-to-door to warn residents of serious events or to conduct wellness checks Conducting follow up assessments/surveys

11 The Pros of Register Ready
Registries can serve as a starting point for: Building a dialogue about emergency preparedness with individuals who have disabilities or access and functional needs. Establishing a rapport with stakeholder groups who work with at-risk populations. Providing the ability to contact and check on people with disabilities or access and functional needs.

12 The Pros of Register Ready
Emergency managers view DAFN registries from varying perspectives. Concerns include: Managing high consumer expectations. An increased sense of confidence about being able to track individuals who require specific assistance in their communities during adverse conditions.

13 Promoting Register Ready
Registry Ready has been promoted in a variety of ways: at events on billboards in PSAs (radio spots) on social media and websites in Township mailers/tax bills by disability agencies Brochures are available in English and Spanish at or by calling NJOEM.

14 Promoting Register Ready
Brochures can be given out by: utility companies staff handling school/Kindergarten registration hospital admissions staff Meals on Wheels staff and volunteers Medical Reserve Corps Boy or Girl Scouts

15 Similar Registries Some counties and municipalities have implemented another type of DAFN registry to aide law enforcement and emergency services personnel when responding to 911 calls. These registries do not take the place of Register Ready. Law enforcement and emergency services personnel can be provided access to Register Ready.

16 Other Considerations Registries are a great tool to help emergency managers enhance services to community members but they are just part of the picture. When it comes to addressing the needs of vulnerable populations, essential tasks include: Planning Emphasis on personal preparedness The engagement of stakeholder groups that work with DAFN populations

17 How Can You Help Promote/Provide Register Ready information to your clients. Contact County AFN Coordinator/OEM to see how your agency can assist. If appropriate, request administrative access to Register Ready from AFN Coordinator/OEM.

18 Inclusion in Response & Recovery
Everyone is Welcome Personal Care Assistants Lauri

19 Practicing and Engaging

20 Practicing and Engaging

21 QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS Kelly Boyd, NJ Office of Emergency Management
Joe Geleta, NJ Department of Human Services OEM Lauri Gill, American Red Cross Carole Tonks, Alliance Center for Independence

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