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Troy Thompson Creative Director Pattern Troy Thompson

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1 Troy Thompson Creative Director Pattern Troy Thompson

2 @wearepattern #EMTCONF15
@wearepattern, what is your opinion of the new Travel Wisconsin ad? #idiotic Twitter Hashtag Why you should tweet me.

The original title was this. We need to change it.

This is about more than digital, because digital is more than just a screen.

5 Your customers are changing.
Service is the new marketing.

6 You are not changing. They have new needs / goals.
You are frustrating them. They will leave you for someone else. You will lose business. They know more than ever before.

7 You need to think like your customer.
The better you understand your customers, the happier you can make them. R&D is now a requirement for successful service brands. The antidote to disruption is empathy. This is more than customer service -- customer service is only one, maybe two touch points in the overall service experience.

8 Change is constant. Catalyst -- What is causing the change.
Digital, access, more information, new ideas, maturation of markets, smarter customers, complexity, the shared economy, tripadvisor, tweets, emojis, iphones

9 ? What can you do about this? What can you do about this?
Ignore / deny / do nothing Frustrated / angry / do worse Empathic / creative / do better I have already heard from this audience -- via the hashtag -- that you want to do better. Doing better is complex. You have to change the way things have been done. Turning over silos, connecting the right people. Complexity is built from hundreds of tiny, but often simple, steps. Think about a museum -- parking, signage, tickets, kiosks, docents, exhibits, cleanliness, quality, gift shop, tours, social channels,

10 How do you know this? Back to me, why am I talking to you about this?
Because I went through a similar process with my business and my clients. Last year, we came to this conference as the Travel 2.0 Consulting Group. A lot of our work was digital-focused. But we noticed a Pattern. The work was great, the projects we great, but the implementation was lacking. We were trying to correct a portion of the customer experience -- a better website strategy -- but the connections, the pieces, the other touchpoints were so frustrating, the results of my work did not matter.

11 Last year.

12 This year.

13 Do nothing. Bed, Bath and Beyond -- old rules / procedures.
The most important question is what is the least amount of process and structure necessary to achieve our goals.

14 Do worse. DAS -- non-functioning help / design
United -- customer journey example I should not have to understand how your organization works, to interact with it.

15 Do better. Patagonia -- repairs, clothing source. Docent feedback app.
Uber, feedback loop, passenger reviews.

16 Ugh, this sounds tough. This is pretty typical from what we see at conferences like this -- customers are a pain in the ass, companies don't know what they are doing, disruption this, change that. Things look pretty awful. I know, social media will help! How about a mobile app! If we just change the entrance to the museum, more people will come. Digital does not fix the service experience. Let's just run some more reports! Spreadsheets hide emotion. Let's move those chairs from the lido deck, to the observation deck.

17 I don’t know what to do. SECRET
Here is the tough part -- the really dark part -- the secret you are not sharing, but which eats away at you -- you don't know what to do next. I feel bad. Not enough to get it all done. Need more time, money, resources, staff, money, computers, money.

18 From industrial to service.
Understanding -- from an empathic point of view -- your customer's entire experience with your brand will help you make better decisions, create happier customers and make more money. Change is from an industrial age to a service age. We are in the service economy. And now, more than ever, customers have a choice in the service they choose, use and are loyal to.

19 Redefine your customers.
Customers are everyone who interacts with your organization. Customers Stakeholders Employees Vendors

20 Talk to people. Hi John, thanks for visiting the Minnesota Children's Museum. Sure, it was fun. What’s the one thing you wish museums would do? Better feedback -- disneyland example. timeshel feedback meeting example.

21 Build better teams. Work in groups! Invite in your customers!
Create equality in the group. Find people who can understand emotions -- empathy -- reading the mind in the eyes. More women -- just have more women.

22 Write it down. Why are we doing this? Why is it important?
What difference will it make? What are the stages? What are our roles? Create a project brief -- for everything. Define success. Definition of done. If you want people to make the same decisions as you, you have to give them the same information.

23 Embrace failure. Perfection comes from practice.

24 Start over.

25 Your customers are changing and you know why.

26 Thanks.

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