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CH 24 Imperialism The domination by one country of the political, economic or cultural life of another country.

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Presentation on theme: "CH 24 Imperialism The domination by one country of the political, economic or cultural life of another country."— Presentation transcript:

1 CH 24 Imperialism The domination by one country of the political, economic or cultural life of another country.

2 Motives / causes of imperialism
1) ECONOMIC – Industrial Revolution causes need for resources and markets(place to sell finished goods) 2) POWER & PRESTIGE – European dominance 3) MISSIONARY & RELIGIOUS – convert the natives 4) SOCIAL DARWINISM – European culture superior to all others.

3 AREAS OF EXPANSION AFRICA – Belgium, France, Britain, Italy, Portugal, Germany all carve up Africa. Face armed resistance from many natives.

4 AREAS OF EXPANSION MIDDLE EAST – Egypt 1858 build the Suez Canal which GB and France will control. INDIA – British East India Company control 3/5 of India (concern was making money, not ruling) After Sepoy Rebellion (Indian troops) control handed over to British Crown.

5 Chapter 25 japan modernizes
Followed a policy of isolationism until 1853. Matthew Perry US NAVY forces Japan to open it’s ports to Western trade. By late 1800’s Japan will transform from old feudal society to autocracy with an 2 house legislature, similar to Germany.

6 Japanese imperialism By 1890’s because of small size and lack resources need to expand. Easily defeats China in Sino-Japanese War gaining Taiwan and Russia in Russo Japanese War to gain Korea.

7 The pacific and latin america
US (Phillipines, Hawaii), GB, France and Germany claim virtually every island in the Pacific by 1900.

8 Monroe Doctrine - 1823 American continents not for colonization by European powers.
US will add much of southwest United States after Mexican American War 1850. Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine – U.S had “International Police Power in Western Hemisphere”. Will be protect their economic interests in the Caribbean. 1914 build the Panama Canal thorough Latin America.


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