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Health Objectives: Students will understand what two factors evaluate overall health. Students will know the three aspects of health. i.e. physical health,

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Presentation on theme: "Health Objectives: Students will understand what two factors evaluate overall health. Students will know the three aspects of health. i.e. physical health,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Health Objectives: Students will understand what two factors evaluate overall health. Students will know the three aspects of health. i.e. physical health, mental & emotional health, and social health. Students will recognize how their life choices affect their positions on the health scale. Indian Hills Middle School

2 Question: What is Health?
Is health visible? Is it seen as a gleaming smile? Can you feel health? Many people feel well yet harbor an infectious illness.

3 Health: is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Two Factors that can be used to evaluate health: Life Expectancy The number of years a person is expected to live. People born in the 1900’s had a life expectancy of 50. Today, life expectancy is in the 80’s. Quality of Life The degree of overall satisfaction that a person gets from life. What are some factors that help support a good quality of life? Financial stability Healthy diet Education Safe living practices Good health care Working conditions Sanitation

4 All Aspects of Health are Equally Important:
Mental & Emotional Health Social Health Physical Health To achieve a high quality of life, a person cannot concentrate on only one aspect of health. Physical Health, Mental & Emotional Health, and Social Health dimensions should all be balanced for an individuals overall well-being.

5 Health Triangle: Mental Health Physical Health Social Health

6 Health Triangle: Emotional: Social: Mental: Physical:
The state of being comfortable with yourself, with others, and with your surroundings. Your mind is alert. Learn from mistakes Recognize your achievements. Physical: Refers to how well your body functions. Do you have enough energy to go to school, enjoy your spare time, and take care of your responsibilities at home? Emotional: How well you react to events in your life. You are emotionally healthy when your responses to events are appropriate. Social: Is how well you get along with others. Loving relationships Respect others Give and accept help

7 Neither ill nor perfectly well
Health Continuum: is a gradual progression through many stages between one extreme and another. Illness Low energy level * High energy level Frequent aches and pains * Enthusiasm for life Prolonged illness * Strong sense of purpose Negative outlook on life * Feeling of well-being Isolated from others * Supportive relationships Wellness Health Declines Health Improves Midpoint Neither ill nor perfectly well

8 Movement Along the Health Continuum:
How you react to events in your life establishes health. Many of the choices you make on a daily basis affect your position on the health continuum. Perfect Health Run a Marathon Eating healthy Excellent hygiene habits Life Life Wearing a seat belt Going to college Bicycle accident, no helmet High blood pressure Smoking Zero Health or Death Cancer: from smoking

9 Wellness: Enthusiasm for life; a state of high level health.

10 Good Health Review & Questions:
Describe two factors that can be used to evaluate overall health. List three aspects of overall health and explain each one. What is a health continuum? Explain. Explain how the choices people make can affect their positions on the health continuum. What are two ways you could improve your physical health, two ways to improve your mental health, and two ways to improve your social health?

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