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Changes in Transportation

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1 Changes in Transportation
Steamboat Roads and Turnpikes Canals Railroads

2 Steamboats

3 Fulton’s Clermont

4 1850s Steamboat


6 National Road How did roads change?





11 Canals What are the advantages of having canals for transportation of goods?



14 Erie Canal Lock

15 Steam Tug Boat

16 Growth of Railroads Where were most of the railroads being built?
Why do you think this is true?

17 Impact of Transportation
How did these new ways of transportation impact society?

18 Cotton Gin Who invented the cotton gin?
What was the impact of the cotton gin? What is meant by the term “Cotton Kingdom?”

19 Cotton Gin

20 Cotton Gin

21 Cotton Gin: Early Inventor

22 1st Industrial Revolution
What region in the United States turned heavily to industrialization? Why do you think this happened? What industry was one of the first to industrialize? Who worked in the factories? Why do you think this is true?

23 Falls at Lowell Mills

24 Overview: Lowell Mills

25 Mill: 1880 (with 2-stories)

26 Merrimack Boarding House

27 1845: Women Working

28 Women Workers

29 1st Westward Movement Where did people go initially?
As the early 1800s progressed to the mid-1800s, where did people go then? How did changes in transportation facilitate the Westward Movement? Define Manifest Destiny How did the idea of Manifest Destiny impact Native Americans?

30 Gibbons v. Ogden What is the significance of Gibbons v. Ogden?
Denied NY state the right to interfere with commerce


32 The Changing Character of American Politics Age of the Common Man
Characterized by: Evidence: 1) Heightened emphasis on equality in the political process for adult white males 2) the rise of interest group politics and sectional issues Got rid of a voting restriction—property qualifications South Carolina threatens to secede because of tariffs

33 The Changing Character of American Politics Age of the Common Man
Characterized by: Evidence: 3) a changing style of campaigning 4) increased voter participation Greater use of myth, image creation rather than a focus on issues As a result of getting rid of voter restrictions

34 Andrew Jackson: Personified the Democratic Spirit of the Age
He challenged the economic elite (aristocrats) Rewarded campaign supporters with public office, known as the Spoils System

35 Aristocracy A government in which power is given to those believed to be best qualified

36 A member of an aristocracy
Aristocrat A member of an aristocracy

37 Expansion of Democracy
Cause: Property qualifications were eliminated Effect: The number of eligible voters increased

38 Spoils System A practice of using public offices to benefit members of the victorious party

39 Power granted to the President to prevent passage of legislation
Presidential Veto Power granted to the President to prevent passage of legislation

40 Bank of the United States
Why does Jackson veto the bill for rechartering the Bank of the United States?

41 Panic of 1837 Result of Jackson ending the U.S. Bank
Jackson deposited funds in many state banks (pet banks) Economic Depression ensued

42 Trail of Tears Cherokee removal from homeland in Georgia to Oklahoma
This event actually happened after Jackson left office. Why is he blamed for the incident?

43 New political parties emerge
The Whigs and Know-Nothings replaced the Federalist party They now opposed the Democratic Party

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