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Supervisory Committee Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "Supervisory Committee Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Supervisory Committee Meeting
Student name Date This template is to serve as an outline for information Rehabilitation Science PhD students should cover in meetings with their supervisory committees. Students are encouraged to customize the template to best suite their individual needs.

2 Meeting Agenda Purpose of Meeting: i.e. update on progress, qualifying exam/proposal/defense preparation Coursework Update Research Update Abstracts and Papers

3 Milestones PhD Committee
Member names and role (chair, co-chair, member, external member, special appointment) First term: Qualifying exam: Dissertation proposal: Defense: Dates of previous committee meetings Dissertation title: Give anticipated dates and/or working title as applicable. Qualifying Exam/Candidacy The Graduate School and Rehabilitation Science Program require that a minimum of two semesters must pass between the qualifying exam and the final defense.   If qualifying exam is passed before the mid-term of a semester, then that semester counts as one of the two required semesters.  In the Rehabilitation Science Program, we require that a minimum of two semesters pass between the time that the student proposes the dissertation and the final exam.   If the student is admitted to PhD candidacy (passed qualifying exam and dissertation proposal) before the midterm of the semester, then that semester will count towards the required two semesters.   Any deviation from the two semester minimum will require written permission from the Steering Committee.   Note: some mentors choose to conduct the qualifying exam and the thesis proposal during a single session, or within the same semester.   Other mentors prefer to conduct the thesis proposal 1-2 semesters after the qualifying exam.  Either option is fine. Supervisory Committee: The supervisory committee for a doctoral candidate comprises at least four members selected from the Graduate Faculty. At least two members, including the chair, must be from the academic unit recommending the degree. At least one member serves as external member and should be from a different educational discipline, with no ties to the home academic unit. One regular member may be from the home academic unit or another unit.

4 Coursework Coursework taken to date List course List of course

5 Coursework Planned coursework and outstanding requirements
Coursework planned by semester

6 Research Accomplishments to Date
List research accomplishment (there is separate slide related to publications), awards, etc.

7 Research Research Goals/Works in Progress List

8 Publications & Abstracts
List citations for all publications and abstracts Include works in preparation, in press, or under review with appropriate notation

9 Discussion Questions Concerns Action items, deadlines

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