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Providing Opportunities for Scholarship and Research Department of Chemistry Howard University Washington, D.C.

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Presentation on theme: "Providing Opportunities for Scholarship and Research Department of Chemistry Howard University Washington, D.C."— Presentation transcript:

1 Providing Opportunities for Scholarship and Research Department of Chemistry Howard University Washington, D.C.

2 First year: Introduction to discipline and department Expected Mind-set and Work-ethics Program assumes each new student is a doctorate student Placement exams in Analytical, Inorganic, Organic, and Physical Chemistry Student expected to pass all exams in 1 st Semester (2 chances) Cumulative Exams in 2 sub- disciplines (must pass 4 exams in 2 years) Disciplinary Content 1 st Year 3 Courses from sub- discipline 2 Courses from other sub- disciplines or related fields Professional Development Course Consults with at least five faculty before choosing a research advisor Chooses research advisor

3 Introduction to the research enterprise (year 2) Selection of advisory committee Research activities Literature review Group meetings Research Project Completion of required coursework (18 hours) Group mentoring by Advisory Committee Oral Presentation on Original Idea (3 rd Semester) Oral Presentation on Dissertation Proposal (4 th Semester) Applies for candidacy

4 Other Candidacy Requirements Written research proposal Grant Proposal Format Expository writing certificate Responsible conduct of research workshop certificate

5 Other Requirements Departmental Seminar Completion of 72 credit hours Dissertation completion Final oral examination

6 Significant Transition Completion of Placement exams Core competency at undergraduate level Completion of Coursework Basic and broad knowledge Cumulative exams Depth in knowledge base Critical thinking Research Proposal and Presentations Communication skills Contribution to knowledge base Expansion on existing knowledge Research Experience Beyond the “technician” stage Peer-review publication Completion of dissertation

7 Dissertation and defense Dissertation committee 1 External examiner Advisory committee Advisor + 2 Faculty Another faculty member Dept Chair Dissertation approved by Advisory committee Dissertation committee Dissertation sent to graduate school to request a defense date Oral defense Graduate school representative Committee members Guests Vote on dissertation Vote on presentation Unanimous vote required Recommendation to the graduate school

8 Successful Prior Innovation: Industrial Partnership Graduate Research Intern Program at Rohm and Haas Company, SpringHouse, Pennsylvania Candidate spends one year at Industry Analytical Laboratory Works on research project Works on assigned industry project Gives oral presentations Student returns to University to finish research and write dissertation 1 M.S., and 3 Ph.D. students (1995-2002)

9 Student-specific curriculum Enables Enrollment in “Teaching and Learning as a Scholarly Activity” Selected Course Topics: Historical Perspectives on SoTL: Boyer’s Scholarship Reconsidered Teaching as Research and Inquiry The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Academic Career Advancement: Case Studies Scholarly Teaching vs. the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning General Research Methodologies in SoTL Teaching Methods/Strategies (e.g., problem-based learning, cooperative learning, etc) in SoTL Disciplinary Styles in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: STEM Disciplines New media pedagogy

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