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A whopping 60% of American pets are overweight

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1 A whopping 60% of American pets are overweight
A whopping 60% of American pets are overweight. This puts them at increased risk for serious diseases such as diabetes and arthritis. Does your pet fall into a dangerous weight category? Click on the links below for helpful tools and more information Pet Obesity Prevention A whopping 60% of American pets are overweight. This puts them at increased risk for serious diseases such as diabetes and arthritis. Does your pet fall into a dangerous weight category? Click on the links below for helpful tools and more information. (Add the link to our website here as well) Did you know 1 ounce of cheese in a 10 pound cat is equivalent to a person eating 3 ½ cheeseburgers?

Every pet has different nutritional needs. Your veterinarian is an excellent resource when choosing the correct diet---USE THEM! Link to our webpage here WITH SO MANY CHOICES HOW WILL YOU EVERY CHOOSE WHICH PET FOOD IS BEST? #1: ASK YOUR VET #2: Consider age, weight, activity, and current health issues #3: Consider flavor preferences and protein sources

3 Did you know that feeding a raw diet puts your pet at increased risk of contracting food borne illnesses such as salmonella? Raw diets are currently a hot trend. However, research suggests little nutritional advantage. As a matter of fact, raw foods pose several risks, including increased risk of food poisoning and deficiencies of vital minerals.

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