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Microbiology Vocab.

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Presentation on theme: "Microbiology Vocab."— Presentation transcript:

1 microbiology Vocab

2 Take that, DUKE FANS!

3 An organism that belongs to the kingdom Protista.

4 FUNGUS An organism whose cells have nuclei, rigid cell walls, and no chlorophyll and that belongs to the kingdom Fungi.

5 PARASITE An organism that feeds on an organism of another species and that usually harms the host; the host never benefits from the presence of this.

6 HOST An organism from which a parasite takes food or shelter.

7 GENETIC ENGINEERING The act of taking genetic material (DNA) from one organism and introducing it into the genes of another organism to change the new organism’s characteristics


9 BIOREMEDIATION The biological treatment of hazardous wastes by living organisms.

10 PATHOGENIC BACTERIA Bacteria that can cause disease.

11 ANTIBIOTIC Medicine used to kill bacteria and other microorganisms.

12 VIRUS A microscopic particle that gets inside of a cell and often destroys the cell.

A disease that cannot be spread from one individual to another

14 INFECTIOUS DISEASE A disease that is caused by pathogens and that can be spread from one individual to another.

15 PATHOGEN A virus, microorganism, or other organism that causes disease.

16 Vector An organism that transmits a pathogen from a host to a new organism

17 MUTAGEN Substances that cause an organism’s cells to mutate.

18 IMMUNITY The ability to resist or to recover from an infectious disease.

19 EPIDEMIC Outbreak of a disease that affects a large number of individuals within a population or a community

20 pandemic An epidemic that spreads across a large region or continent or possibly even worldwide


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