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Presentation on theme: "AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY UNIT 3 TEST REVIEW : CULTURE"— Presentation transcript:


2 JEOPARDY! POT LUCK MAPS Religion TERMS Language 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

3 100 Double Name a major cause of language extinction.
Acculturation, Assimilation These languages are most at risk of becoming extinct. Preliterate Languages 2 and 3) How many languages are at risk of extinction during the next century? Several thousand 36- Number of languages are decreasing 41

4 Term for regional variations of a standard / official language.
200 Term for regional variations of a standard / official language. What is DIALECT? 1.) London, England, Melbourne, Australia; Vancouver, Canada; Mumbai, India 37- Italian in Milan, Rome, Naples, and Palermo is different

5 300 DAILY DOUBLE!!! A “common trading language” developed over time, among different peoples, along trading routes, is referred to as what? What is a LINGUA FRANCA? 23. What is the current lingua franca in Africa, Europe, Asia and U.S.? How did this happen? 8. What is the official language in Kenya? Why did this become the official language? 31. English is the most widely used language 47

6 400 Term for a geographic boundary marking linguistic features. What is an ISOGLOSSES?

7 500 A lingua franca which has been simplified and modified through contact with other languages, and used among commoners is this language type? What is a PIDGIN? 32

8 100 A religion which seeks to convert as many people as possible, as its principles can apply to anyone, would be characterized in general as what type of religion? What is EVANGELICAL (Global, Universal, Proselytic)? 21- What are examples of Universalizing religions? Christianity, Islam, Buddhism

9 200 The indifference to, or rejection of an organized religion, is called this. What is SECULARISM?

10 The hearth of Christianity is where (specific as possible)?
300 The hearth of Christianity is where (specific as possible)? Where is (EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN SHORE, present day ISRAEL, CANAAN, PALESTINE, JERUSALEM, the LEVANT)? 34. What are the 4 most widespread religions? Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism 44- Besides Christianity this area is also the hearth of what other religion? Judaism

11 400 Name 2 characteristics of an “Ethnic” Religion. What are:*
NOT Actively seeks converts Particular to one people Spatially concentrated Many more Ethnic than Universal religions Bonus 100 Pt. Q!!! Accept or Decline??? Cite one Example of an ETHNIC Religion. What is: Hinduism, Judaism, Shintoism?

12 500 Literally translated as “Wind Water,” the term for the Buddhist practice of trying not to disturb natural energy flow by proper placement of structures within an area. What is FENG SHUI? 12

13 100 Only this South American country makes contact with North America.
What is COLOMBIA?* BONUS 100pt. Q!!! Accept or Decline? What N. America country does Colombia make contact with? What is PANAMA?

14 200 DAILY DOUBLE!!! South American Country whose main Eastern border is along the Andes Mountain Range. What is CHILE?

15 300 This term describes where one major religion on the landscape will give way to a different major religion being practiced. What is an INTER-FAITH BOUNDARY?* Bonus 100 Pt. Q!!!!! Accept or Decline??? Give one specific example (Location & Religions) Sudan (Christianity / Islam)

16 400 Name the 2 landlocked countries in S. America. What are BOLIVIA and PARAGUAY?

17 500 Name 3 Island COUNTRIES in the Caribbean Sea (which we studied).

18 100 A province of predominately French speaking people living in a country of predominately English speaking people is an example describing this term… What is an ENCLAVE?* Bonus 100 pt. Q!! Accept or Decline? What exact province and country in North America is the above example naming? What is QUEBEC, CANADA? 24

19 200 DAILY DOUBLE!!! In Hindu faith, this is the name of the Supreme Cosmic Spirit one is trying to unite with. What is the BRAHMAN? 45. What are the names of the other two major gods of Hinduism?

20 300 Protestants opposing Catholics in Northern Ireland represents this kind of a religious dispute / boundary. What is an INTRA-FAITH BOUNDARY DISPUTE? 9

21 What are ANIMIST religions?
400 These varying religions believe in inanimate objects possessing spirits. What are ANIMIST religions? 19. What is the world’s oldest MAJOR religion? Hinduism 35

22 500 The term for a teacher / priest in many African Ethnic / Tribal religions. What is a SHAMAN?

23 100 Term for Jews remaining a strong / united people throughout their quest for establishing a homeland. What is ZIONISM? 11

24 200 A Self-Sufficient / subsistence, isolated group with long-standing traditions which change comparatively slowly over time describes this kind of culture. What is a FOLK CULTURE? 5

25 300 Name 4 of the 5 Pillars of Islam. What are: Pilgrimage (to Mecca)
Charity Daily Prayer Fasting (during Ramadan) Witnessing (of 1 God Allah) 18. What does this have in common with the ten commandments of Christianity? Provides a guide to proper ethical and moral behavior 39- Torah, Bible, and Koran all govern behavior of believers

26 400 In Hindu / Buddhist faith, the teachings of natural laws and moral duties one is to perform, which might end “suffering” is called this. What is DHARMA? 40- karma- Idea that one can move up or down the caste system in the afterlife based on actions in this life 43

27 500 Term for the development of a new cultural trait / custom by the borrowing of / fusion of 2 or more parent elements over time. What is SYNCRETISM? 7


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