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New Deal/Court Packing Pg. 78

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1 New Deal/Court Packing Pg. 78

2 New Deal Agencies/Policies
Federal Emergency Relief Administration Civilian Conservation Corps Tennessee Valley Authority Public Works Administration Federal Housing Administration Home Owners Loan Corp Works Progress Administration National Industrial Recovery Act National Recovery Administration Collective Bargaining Agricultural Adjustment Act Bank Holiday Glass-Steagall Act Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Securities and Exchange Commission National Labor Relations Act/Wagner Act Social Security Act

3 Federal Housing Administration
Was created by the National Housing Act of 1934 Goal was to stabilize the mortgage market and help people to get mortgage (home) loans Created to help people stay in their homes (prevent foreclosure) and be able to buy a house (mortgages)

4 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Created by the Glass-Steagall Act Provides insurances on deposits Renews faith in banks At first only insured up to $2,500, today it is up to $250,000 Banks are required to place a sign on their door saying, “deposits are backed by the full faith and credit of the US Government”

5 Securities and Exchange Commission
Regulatory agency Regulates the stock market Prevents corporate abuses and buying on margin

6 Social Security Administration
Social Security Act Gives a fixed income to people who cannot support themselves Benefits are paid for by taxes placed on current workers

7 Branches of Government
Legislative Congress (Senate and House of Representatives) Elected by the People Makes laws Executive President of the United States Enforces laws Judicial Supreme Court Appointed by the President and approved by Congress Declares laws unconstitutional

8 New Deal and the Role of Government
Increased the role of the government Government now was more responsible for ensuring people’s economic welfare Government also began to limit property rights under eminent domain Supreme Court started to rule New Deal programs/policies as unconstitutional Government cannot limit property rights Federal government was overstepping it’s authority (10th Amendment) FDR responded by trying to pack the Supreme Court

9 Agricultural Adjustment Act
Created the Agricultural Adjustment Administration Paid farmers subsidies to not plant crops or to kill off excessive livestock Purpose was to reduce supply and so increase price Declared unconstitutional in United States v. Butler Regulation of agriculture was a state power Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 fixed these problems and subsidies continue today

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