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The Foot Bones Joint Muscles Artery & Nerves.

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Presentation on theme: "The Foot Bones Joint Muscles Artery & Nerves."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Foot Bones Joint Muscles Artery & Nerves


3 Interphalangeal joints
Metatarsophalangeal joints Tarsometatarsal joints (Attachment of the fibularis brevis)


5 Ligament and muscle support
Arches of the Foot Arches enable the foot to support the weight of the body Ligament and muscle support


7 Ligament and muscle support

8 Joint Deep transverse intermetatarsal ligament Flexor tendon sheaths
Plantar ligament of the MP joints MP joint

9 Flexor tendon sheath

10 MP joint Plantar ligament of the MP joints

11 Plantar aponeurosis insersion

12 Achilles Tendon & Plantar Fascia

13 The Foot Bones Joint Muscles Artery & Nerves

14 Muscles Extensors long Short Extersor hallucis longus
Extersor digitorum longus Short Extersor digitorum brevis

15 Muscles Flexors long Flexor hallucis longus Flexor digitorum longus

16 Protection Mechanical effect (increases its moment arm)

17 Small plantar muscles Interosseous muscles
short muscles in the middle of the foot short muscles for the 1st phalanx short muscles for the 5th phalanx

18 Interosseous muscles


20 Small plantar muscles Interosseous muscles
short muscles for the 1st phalanx short muscles for the 5th phalanx short muscles in the middle of the foot


22 Adductor hallucis

23 Flexor hallucis brevis

24 insertions

25 Small plantar muscles Interosseous muscles
short muscles for the 1st phalanx short muscles for the 5th phalanx short muscles in the middle of the foot


27 Small plantar muscles Interosseous muscles
short muscles for the 1st phalanx short muscles for the 5th phalanx short muscles in the middle of the foot



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