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Biotic vs. Abiotic Factors

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Presentation on theme: "Biotic vs. Abiotic Factors"— Presentation transcript:

1 Biotic vs. Abiotic Factors
Intro to Ecosystems Biotic vs. Abiotic Factors

2 Is it Living? Key Question: What do you think an ecosystem is? Initial Thoughts

3 The variety of organisms in a specific environment or on earth.
Biodiversity The variety of organisms in a specific environment or on earth.

4 What factors both living and non living will affect my life?

5 Factors affecting mouse
Predators Food Shelter Temperature Weather Competitors Pathogens Parasites Clean Water

6 Would the same factors affect this flower?

7 Factors Affecting Plant
Predators Food Shelter Temperature Weather Competitors Pollinators Soil Nutrients Wind Daylight

8 Definitions Ecosystem: A community interacting with the non-living parts of its environment. Eco- means environment System- interacting parts

9 Definitions Biotic: Living organisms in the environment, such as plants or animals. Bio- life tic- pertaining to/ of Abiotic: Non-living physical features of the environment, such as soil and water. A- not tic- pertaining to / of

10 Evidence 1: Card Sort Sort the cards into 3 columns. Record your answers in a table like below: Biotic Abiotic Unsure (or both/can’t agree)

11 Evidence: Sort contd… Look at those that are in the unsure column. Why were those confusing? Write down the rule that you used to decide if something is biotic or abiotic.

12 Let’s Practice! For each picture (ecosystem), name as many biotic and abiotic factors as you can. Where do you think the ecosystem boundaries are? (Where do they begin and end?)

13 What are the Biotic and Abiotic Factors in the Image?

14 Check Yourself Biotic Trees, cactus, shell, scorpion, grass/seaweed Abiotic Sun, clouds, sand, water, ice, snow

15 Group Practice In your lab group, you will create a list of abiotic and biotic factors for each ecosystem.

16 River Ecosystem

17 Abiotic Biotic

18 River Ecosystem Biotic Abiotic
Trees Fish Moss Bugs Branches Algae Amphibians Birds Snails Plants Animals Leaves roots River/water Rocks Oxygen Sand Dirt Sun Clouds Air/atmosphere Glacier?

19 Ocean Ecosystem

20 Ocean Biotic Abiotic Sand
Water Boat Oxygen CO2 Sunlight Rock Metal Minerals Human Fish Barnacles Coral Snails Skeletons Shells Algae Sharks Fish eggs Squid Octopus Whales Dolphins Mold Plankton Seaweed/Kelp

21 Evidence 2: Courtyard Ecosystem
Your group will be assigned an area in the courtyard. List as many biotic and abiotic factors as you can. Write down the boundaries of your assigned ecosystem. What are the Inputs? The Outputs?


23 Analysis Questions You’re on the beach and find a piece of driftwood. Is it biotic or abiotic? Why? Is a patch of lawn an ecosystem? Explain. What are some biotic & abiotic factors that would affect a plant but not a rabbit?

24 Summary What did you think about ecosystems before this lesson?
What did you learn about ecosystems from this lesson? (Minimum of 3 sentences!!!) What are some further thoughts or questions you have about ecosystems?

25 Reflection

26 Big Idea Biodiversity is important for ecosystems to support life. Abiotic and biotic factors work together to support life.

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