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Unit 5: Imperialism & WWI

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1 Unit 5: Imperialism & WWI

2 1877: Railroad Strike 1879: Thomas Edison invents the lightbulb 1882: Chinese Exclusion Act passed 1890: Sherman Anti-Trust Act passed 1892: Ellis Island Immigration Station opens 1898: Spanish-American War : Philippine-American War 1901: President McKinley assassinated 1902: Ford installs the first assembly line 1911: Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire

3 Hawaii Take notes in your notebook:
Who was involved in taking over Hawaii? What did they do to make it happen? What did others do to resist? When did this take place? Why did some people want Hawaii to be part of the US? You can bring me the reading when you finish 

4 Review - Hawaii Bayonet Constitution of 1887
Limited the power of the monarchy Liliuokalani becomes queen in 1891 Tries to establish a new constitution 1893: US Marines & businessmen stage a coup Provisional government lead by Sanford Dole Queen under house arrest 1895: Supporters of Liliuokalini stage a revolt, she agrees to abdicate in exchange for their pardon 1898 US annexes Hawaii

5 Panama Panama Canal project first attempted by the French (1888 funding is pulled) 1902: Treaty between US and Colombia rejected US decides to support Panama independence movement 1903: Deal between US and new Panama government Opened in 1914

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