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Briefing Session.

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Presentation on theme: "Briefing Session."— Presentation transcript:

1 Briefing Session

2 Our Programme: Key Characteristics
Links to HE professional behaviours framework Transforms technical experts into expert people managers Blend of face-to-face and distance learning Projects to transfer/embed learning to workplace activities Engages different learning styles through theory, practice , media clips and discussion Relevance to leaders work environment to embrace challenges, change and innovation Rigorous evaluation to identify impact and ROI

3 Emerging Leaders Programme: Objectives
Deepen understanding of leadership role, the impact of leadership style and how to create a positive work ethos in times of change Develop skills and confidence in having difficult conversations and develop capability and techniques to create empowerment and trust Increase ability to lead, manage and develop people in teams and how to communicate effectively across the business (includes team project working)

4 Programme approach Create a safe learning environment to address real issues, challenge existing patterns and perceptions Pre-work to access latest thinking, begin goal-setting and create positive expectations DP learning zone to support learning, action and reflection Modules deepen and accelerate learning – linking theory to practice Develop skills through practice and debate to develop personal style Action learning ensures Project transfers new skills into management practices, enabling commitment to realistic action plans

5 Emerging Leaders Programme

6 Perspectives A Woodcutter is straining to saw down a tree. A young man who was watching asked “What are you doing?” “Are you blind?” the woodcutter replied. “I’m cutting down this tree.” The young man was unabashed. “You look exhausted! Take a break. Sharpen your saw.” The woodcutter explained to the young man that he had been sawing for hours and did not have time to take a break. The young man pushed back… “If you sharpen the saw, you would cut down the tree much faster.” The woodcutter said “I don’t have time to sharpen the saw. Don’t you see I’m too busy?”

7 Perspectives for you The four circles

8 Understanding and valuing difference

9 Understanding and valuing difference

10 Owl Strengths: Approach to life: Weaknesses: Goals: Seen by others as:
Knowledgeable & Detailed Air of competence Asks probing questions Thorough follow-up Approach to life: High standards & correct Weaknesses: May seem difficult & stuffy on initial interaction Questions perceived as critical & insensitive Overlooks others’ feelings May focus on inconsequential details Goals: Understanding Seen by others as: Task focussed & authoritative

11 Eagle Strengths: Approach to life: Goals: Weaknesses:
Confident & Determined Loves challenges Focused Good at influencing others Approach to life: Inner certainty & focus on action Goals: Personal achievement & meeting challenges Weaknesses: Poor listener Can be seen to be arrogant May push too hard Doesn’t wait for feedback Seen by others as: Confident & Impatient

12 Canary Strengths: Approach to life: Goals: Weaknesses:
Quick to build relationships Friendly & sociable Adaptable & imaginative Skilful presenter Approach to life: Fun & Interaction Goals: Recognition Weaknesses: May lack focus Too casual for some Poor planning & follow-up Can lose interest Seen by others as: Imaginative & Disorganised

13 Dove Strengths: Approach to life: Goals: Weaknesses:
Builds deep long-term relationships Natural listener Sincere & warm Persistent Approach to life: Focus on stability, values & supporting others Goals: Harmony Weaknesses: Slow to adapt May lack enthusiasm Avoids rejection Takes difficulties personally Seen by others as: Easy going & acquiescent

14 On a good day… Blue: Red: Cautious Competitive Precise Demanding
Deliberate Questioning Formal Analytical Red: Competitive Demanding Determined Strong-willed Purposeful Driver Green: Caring Encouraging Sharing Patient Relaxed Amiable Yellow: Sociable Dynamic Demonstrative Enthusiastic Persuasive Expressive

15 On a bad day…. Stuffy Aggressive Complacent Controlling Suspicious
Uninspiring Reserved Aggressive Controlling Driving Overbearing Intolerant Passive Indifferent Plodding Needful Stubborn Agitated Distracted Indiscreet Dramatic Impulsive

16 Focussing Attention Catch the Ball [1:41 minutes long]

17 The Learning Cycle

18 Go Live

19 Next steps In your workbook:
Complete personal learning and learning goals Do pre-work for Module 1 which includes the values exercise Module 1 Developing my Leadership Capabilities: 14th December: 9.15 start

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