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Chapter 4 & 5 Development in Infancy

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1 Chapter 4 & 5 Development in Infancy
Lifespan Development Chapter 4 & 5 Development in Infancy

2 Development Different systems have different rates. Nervous System
Reflexes Adaptive & Primitive Sensory Abilities Sleeping

3 Changes Beyond the Brain
Bones Muscle Lungs & Heart Motor Skills

4 External Requirements
Nutrition Macronutrient Micronutrient Immunizations Illnesses SIDS

5 Cognitive Changes Perception – what they look at.
Atypical Changes - Aspergers

6 Piaget’s First Stage of Cognitive Development
Sensory Motor 0 – 2 Object Permanence – understand that objects continue to exist even when not seen. Imitation – learning through the imitating of gestures they can see. Schemas Assimilation Accomodation

7 Learning Operant Conditioning Schematic Learning Memory

8 Language Language Cooing - neonate Babbling – (6 – 12 mo)
Receptive – the ability to understand spoken language (8 – 10 mo) Expressive – ability to produce as well as respond to words. (12 – 13 mo.)

9 Developmental Differences
Individually – cognitive testing is not highly predictive. Pre-Term v. Full-Term Gender – Girls develop or mature physically before males. Cog. Development is identical Activity and aggression - boys

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