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Nottinghamshire Knife Crime Strategy

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Presentation on theme: "Nottinghamshire Knife Crime Strategy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nottinghamshire Knife Crime Strategy
Det/Supt Simon Firth Weapon Enabled Violence Lead Nottinghamshire Police Nottinghamshire Police & Crime Commissioner

2 Nottinghamshire Police & Crime Commissioner
Introduction Knife crime is a clear and current risk to our communities Nottinghamshire Police, PCC and the partnership had already identified the issue and put measures in place Government has now emphasised the issue and published a national strategy Communities are raising this as a problem Nottinghamshire Police & Crime Commissioner

3 Nottinghamshire Police & Crime Commissioner
The Challenge An issue across the country and also locally Nottinghamshire isn’t in the position of London but must meet the challenge Knife crime disproportionally impacts on the young It is an urban issue but not exclusively so and this doesn’t define the issue Partners tell us that first offenders are getting younger We face an increasing challenge from uncooperative victims and witnesses Individuals involved have often complex lives and multiple issues Organised crime is a feature but doesn’t explain the cultural shift towards knife use Nottinghamshire Police & Crime Commissioner

4 Nottinghamshire Police & Crime Commissioner
Principles Active engagement with communities and third sector Prevention and risk reduction focus Partnership working at all levels Strong criminal justice response Nottinghamshire Police & Crime Commissioner

5 Nottinghamshire Police & Crime Commissioner
Approach Building on the insight provided by analysts, practitioners and stakeholders we have begun to frame the issue Violence takes many forms and we seek to draw our focus on the instrumental and impulsive use of knives Nottinghamshire Police & Crime Commissioner

6 Nottinghamshire Police & Crime Commissioner
Strategic Strands Identification and management of risk Developing resilient spaces Communications and behaviour change Communities and the Third Sector Nottinghamshire Police & Crime Commissioner

7 1. Identifying and Managing Risk
The entire partnership will work closely to identify, report and address risk factors early. A cohort of high risk knife crime offenders will be developed and case managed by the partnership. Diversionary and support mechanisms, with the support of the third sector, will be offered to promote the positives of legitimate activity. Enforcement will be used to ensure offenders are held to account for the harm that they cause and deter them from carrying weapons. Interventions will be three-tiered – universal, specific and bespoke. Nottinghamshire Police & Crime Commissioner

8 2. Developing Resilient Spaces
We will target environmental improvements and place management to areas where knife crime is most prevalent. The partnership will support communities to enjoy their neighbourhoods High risk premises – particularly in the night time economy – will be identified for support Premises refusing to engage with efforts to make their venues safer will receive targeted regulation and enforcement. Patrol, visibility and deterrance Nottinghamshire Police & Crime Commissioner

9 3. Communications & Behaviour Change
Our partnership will coordinate their corporate communications to deliver united messages about knife crime. Campaigns will take advantage of various media platforms and physical events to reach a broad audience. We will overcome the challenges posed by social media and utilise it to speak to our at risk citizens. We will use behaviour change principles in a long-term strategy to change cultural attitudes towards knives. Nottinghamshire Police & Crime Commissioner

10 4. Communities and the Third Sector
We want to help build resilient and cohesive communities to help educate children with healthy lifestyles and stigmatise knife carrying. The third sector can act as a bridge to help partners understand and meet the needs of hard to hear communities. We will review the Third Sector’s provision to ensure there are no gaps or overlaps in our collective partnership services. We will support providers to form a cohesive, collaborative sector. Nottinghamshire Police & Crime Commissioner

11 Ensuring our approaches are fit for purpose
This is a golden thread running throughout our strategy, ensuring our processes are robust and will continue to be fit for purpose in the future Methods of best practice will be observed and adapted to reduce knife crime in Nottinghamshire. We will undergo frequent self-evaluation of our approach to maintain and build upon what works. Training and information will be delivered to front line partnership staff and citizens. Nottinghamshire Police & Crime Commissioner

12 Proposed Governance and Delivery

13 Nottinghamshire Police & Crime Commissioner
My Key Aims To reduce the carrying and use of knives through: A supported and cohesive communities and Third Sector Communications that lead change A strong, unified criminal justice approach Nottinghamshire Police & Crime Commissioner

14 Nottinghamshire Police & Crime Commissioner
Your Support How could you identify risk? How could you help manage risk in an integrated model? What channels are best to engage young people? What could we all agree on as a single message? Any other suggestions? Nottinghamshire Police & Crime Commissioner

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