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Radical Reconstruction and freedmen

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1 Radical Reconstruction and freedmen
Did Radical Reconstruction ( ) succeed or fail in protecting/ assisting freedmen? What were the most significant changes in the lives of freedmen?

2 Radical Reconstruction….
Freedmen’s Bureau in South to assist freedmen 14th Amendment- equal citizenship 15th Amendment- can’t deny vote based on race Reconstruction Act- South under military control…

3 What is a “carpetbagger”?
What is meant by “bayonet rule”? What is the message of this cartoon? CARPETBAG AND BAYONET RULE THE SOLID SOUTH

4 Under Reconstruction, Republican government control the South:
scalawags- white southern “traitors” who cooperate with the Republican governments Carpetbaggers- northern Republicans who move into the south Freedmen- former slaves (90% Republican) 1867 cartoon- military registering freedmen to vote 1868 cartoon 1872 cartoon

5 How did things change for former slaves during Reconstruction?
Alone or with a partner, read the assigned sections of textbook (ch. 12, section 2) Identify the main idea(s) in the section Identify and bullet at least 3 supporting facts/details (feel free to use a separate piece of paper if you’ve large handwriting)

6 Voting/ Political Power
(African Americans as Voters, p. 386 Politics and African Americans, p. 389) MAIN IDEA(S): AT LEAST 3 SUPPORTING DETAILS:

7 90% of eligible AAs vote in the South
Voting/ Political Power (African Americans as Voters, p. 386 Politics and African Americans, p. 389) MAIN IDEA(S):  15th Amendment- African American (AA) men register to vote for the first time AT LEAST 3 SUPPORTING DETAILS:  9/10 AAs vote Republican 90% of eligible AAs vote in the South Face hardships- (threatened by employers)

8 1865-1877- AAs involved in politics for the first time
Voting/ Political Power (African Americans as Voters, p. 386 Politics and African Americans, p. 389) MAIN IDEA(S):  15th Amendment- African American (AA) men register to vote for the first time AAs involved in politics for the first time AT LEAST 3 SUPPORTING DETAILS:  9/10 AAs vote Republican 90% of eligible AAs vote in the South Face hardships- threatened by employers Afr. Ams. held office in local, state, and federal gov’t S Carolina- held a majority in state legislature 16 AAs elected to US Congress Hiram Revels- 1st AA Senator 

9 Voting/ Political Power

10 Movement: How many “moved”? Those who did, where did they go?

11 Reunification of families

12 Education

13 RELIGION/ ORGANIZATIONS: African American churches, schools, volunteer groups form…


15 What is this a picture of? When do you think it was taken?



18 Sharecropping/ tenant farming
HW: Was this system fair? How did it lead to a “cycle of debt”? How is it like slavery? Different?

19 Closure What are the 3 most important changes for freedmen during Reconstruction? Why? Voting Movement Reunification of fams Education New organizations Sharecropping

20 Did Radical Reconstruction (1867-77) succeed or fail in protecting/ assisting freedmen?

21 BB King interview BB King-
What was life like for sharecroppers in 1930s/40s Mississippi? Positive? Negative?

22 What is the message?

23 Political Cartoons Thomas Nast SOURCING-
Made cartoons for Harper’s Weekly, a NORTHERN magazine SOURCING- Do you think he’d be with President Johnson (lenient) or the Radical Republicans (punish the south, provide rights to freedmen)?


25 Shall I trust these men and not this man?



28 According to cartoons, how did attitudes towards
Freedmen change over the course of Reconstruction?

Why is it called the “the Great Betrayal”? PREDICTION: What will happen with the return of “home rule” in the South?

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