Term Definition 1. Bull Market

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Presentation on theme: "Term Definition 1. Bull Market"— Presentation transcript:

1 Term Definition 1. Bull Market A. One of the first affordable cars, greatly changed society and expanded the economy. 2. Teapot Dome Scandal B. Refers to a rapidly growing stock market. 3. Laissez-faire C. President Harding’s plan to return American policy to the days before World War I and the Progressive Era. 4. Return to Normalcy D. The idea that the government cannot interfere with bussinesses. 5. Ford Model T E. An infamous scandal of the 1920s in which the Harding administration accepted bribes in exchange for allowing private oil companies to take possession of Navy oil reserves.

2 Birth of Modern America
1920’s changing culture Birth of Modern America

3 Prohibition “the ban of alcohol” 18th Amendment – 1920
“Speakeasies” – illegal bars Bootleggers – sold and smuggled illegal alcohol Al Capone

4 flappers “woman who embraced new fashions and independence.”
Increased access to jobs and education. Declining birthrates Access to birth control

5 Harlem renaissance Pride in African American culture – art & literature. Claude McKay Langston Hughes Zora Neal Hurston Marcus Garvey – Back to Africa Movement

6 jazz Combination of African and European music.
Started in New Orleans, moved north to Chicago. Duke Ellington Louis Armstrong

7 Urbanization & mass culture
Movement to cities & suburbs. Mass culture – movie theaters, radios, newspapers. Model T

8 Disillusionment Trauma of World War I.
Criticism of consumerism and materialism. “Lost Generation”

9 Question #1 Which Amendment banned the sale of alcohol? A. 13th
B. 17th C. 19th D. 18th

10 Question #2 True (A) or False (B): most people obeyed prohibition.

11 Question #3 Women who embraced “new fashions and independence” were known as: A. Flappers B. Floozies C. Side Chicks D. Home Girls

12 Question #4 Musicians like Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington would be most associated with what new form of music? A. Rap B. Hip Hop C. Jazz D. Country

13 Question #5 The development of the radio, movies, the automobile, & urbanization contributed to the rise of ______________. A. the Harlem Renaissance B. the Fair Deal C. Return to Normalcy D. Mass Culture

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