3-1 “News’ Purpose & News’ Worth”

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1 3-1 “News’ Purpose & News’ Worth”
Unit 3: Is it Newsworthy? 3-1 “News’ Purpose & News’ Worth”

2 What About You? Whole Class Discussion Rank them… Our List?
What news stories R important in your life? Rank them… Our List? Let’s Reflect? Which R truly newsworthy? Which R not newsworthy? What is our deciding criteria? Stories??? What About You? Newsworthy or Not? Criteria???

3 Information vs. News Think / Pair / Share Define- Brainstorm
Difference? Think / Pair / Share Is there a difference b/t information & news? Define- Information News Brainstorm What about them makes them different? Let’s Go Back to Our List… Label Them I for information N for news Information vs. News Define...

4 5 Values of… Newsworthiness
What R They? What R They? Timeliness Proximity Conflict & Controversy Human Interest Relevance Partners… Kid-Friendly Definitions Re-Evaluate “I vs. N” Did any change? Re-Evaluate Ranking 5 Values of… Newsworthiness

5 Visual Vocab Where should I look to find the most newsworthy stories? Above the Fold Huh? position where it is seen first, for example on the top half of the front page of a newspaper or in the part of a web page that you see first when you open it Centerpiece Story an item or issue intended to be a focus of attention. In online journalism it is the story that viewers see first on the webpage Sections Front Page * Sports Style * Classifieds Arts & Leisure U Try! Go online & find me 3 Complete Table Where Should I Look??? U – Try!!!

6 Headlines Look at the Headlines
Do they accurately reflect the content of the story? R They Misleading? Can we Come up w/ Alternates? Headlines? Headlines Misleading?

7 Audiences Audience Decides Who is our target?
What’s newsworthy depends on the target audience Writers write to particular (target) audiences A target audience is the particular group of people to which an advertisement, a product, a website or a television or radio program is directed Examples- 15 year old to Senior Citizen Urban vs. Rural Who is our target? What if kids were the target? Time for Kids CNN Student News Made by adults for kids Do they do a good job? Audiences Target Audiences Can They?

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