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Alligator River Story.

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1 Alligator River Story

2 Triangle of meaning Symbol- Word, sound, or visual device that represents an object, sound, concept, or experience. Referent- Thing that a symbol represents. Thought- Mental process of creating an image, sound, concept, or experience triggered by a referent or symbol.

3 Using the Alligator River Story, provide an example of the following concepts:
Words are arbitrary Words are context-bound Words are culture-bound The ladder of abstraction Word Barriers: Bypassing Polarization Static evaluation Assertiveness vs. Aggressiveness

4 Extended “I” language A brief preface to a feedback statement intended to communicate that you value or care, even though you are about to share a negative message. “I don’t want you to misinterpret what I’m about to say because I really do care about you…” “I don’t feel it is entirely your fault, but I’m feeling frustrated when I experience…”

5 A Constructive Complaint
“The first minute of conflict with married couples predicts for 96% of couples whether they will stay married or divorce.” Gottman (1999) Use “I” statements Describe the undesirable behavior Use neutral, not nonjudgmental language. Ask for a specific, behavioral change

6 Scenario: You are excited to go to dinner with one of your best friends. You haven’t seen this person in awhile because you have been so busy. You have been looking forward to it all week. Fifteen minutes before you are about to meet your friend, you receive a text that s/he won’t be able to make it. You later find out that your friend ended up going out with a mutual friend that night.

7 In a group of two or three, write a brief dialogue (four responses for each character) of how a conflict would play out between you and your friend. The first dialogue should be an example of an escalatory spiral (The conflict gets progressively worse). The complaint should be destructive. The second dialogue should be an example using a constructive complaint. (Hopefully, the dialogue is more constructive).


9 Supportive Communication Is:
Descriptive Problem Oriented Spontaneously Genuine Empathic Flexible Equal

10 Defensive Communication Is:
Evaluative Controlling Strategically Manipulative Neutrally Detached Certain and Rigid Superior

11 Linguistic Determinism
Language shapes the way we think. Our words reflect our thoughts and our culture. The language we use defines the boundaries of our thinking. Gumperz & Levinson 1996 Linguistic relativity states that each culture has unique elements embedded within it. Language creates variations in the way co-cultures think and perceive about the world.

12 Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
Benjamin Whorf and Edward Sapir Language shapes our thoughts and culture and our thoughts and culture affect the language we use to describe our world. Words people use affect their worldview. Think of the Perception process. Firm and soft interpretations of the Sapir- Whorf hypothesis

13 Symbolic Interaction Theory
A semantic theory developed by sociologists that suggests that society is bound together by the common use of symbols. Even within the same culture people misunderstand messages. Meanings are in people, not symbols

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