Thesis statement Hand your Jared Diamond thesis to someone next to you

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Presentation on theme: "Thesis statement Hand your Jared Diamond thesis to someone next to you"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thesis statement Hand your Jared Diamond thesis to someone next to you
Edit their thesis statement Make sure it’s in the formula! X. However, A, B (and C). Therefore, Y. It must be one of the five proximate factors on the front page. If it’s not one of those, tell them to rewrite it. Is it worded weirdly? Offer suggestions as to how to help LEARNING IS FUN!!!!!!

2 In your rows (don’t move desks, just move yourself)…
Draw a picture of a civilized person. Be specific! (Stick figures are OK!)

3 Prehistory

4 Early humans Neanderthals (200,000 years ago)
Cro Magnons (40,000-10,000 years ago) “Cavemen” Big brains First to have funeral burials Advanced tools Beat out by Cro Magnons? Skilled hunters Life of a caveman

5 EARLY HUMANS Homo sapiens (What we are) “Wise Men”
Developed from Homo erectus? Increased technology Advanced language

6 The Rise of Civilization

7 Essential Questions What caused the shift in humans from hunting/gathering to settlements? What are the characteristics of a civilization?

8 What do you notice? Write down a list of evidence that shows how this society lived (act out what it would be like). Paleolithic era = nomads. Like Katniss before the hunger games – all she cared about was going out and providing food for her family.

9 Write down a list of all you notice
Write down a list of all you notice. What happens when humans no longer have to hunt and gather? Neolithic era = rise of sedentary societies due to agriculture. Like Katniss after the hunger games = she wins and has all of this money and free time and has no idea what to do with her time

10 Stone Age Paleolithic Era Neolithic Era (“Old Stone” Era)
Neolithic Revolution Paleolithic Era (“Old Stone” Era) 2 million BCE – 8,000 BCE Nomads Hunting-gathering Neolithic Era (“New Stone” Era) 8,000 BCE – 3,000 BCE Settlements Farming Gradual rise of civilization NEOLITHIC REVOLUTION = ADVENT OF AGRICULTURE

11 Neolithic Revolution (8,000-3,000 BCE) The invention of farming
(a.k.a. the most important technological advancement in all of human history. Seriously.)

12 Along with the Neolithic revolution came societies – early society - how can we tell that this society was civilized?

13 Characteristics of Civilization
Civilized societies developed certain characteristics which prehistoric Stone Age cultures did not have: bookkeeping and recordkeeping trade routes roads and harbors (infrastructure) temples, palaces, and monuments organized religions a variety of metal tools and weapons a system of education the use of science and mathematics more leisure time a system of writing central cities and towns states separated by definite boundary lines organized governments farmers, herdsmen, and fishermen who produced food for specialized workers specialized workers —blacksmiths, carpenters, shopkeepers, priests, government officials—who furnished manufactured goods and a variety of services Individually FIRST. With one partner, choose FIVE of the above characteristics you think are REQUIREMENTS of a civilization and justify each answer (some can be joined together under an overarching theme

14 What are the requirements of a civilization?
Central city City: a permanent settlement that is the center of trade for a larger area Institutions An established structure of social order Ex: government, religion, schooling system Specialized workers  food = fewer people needed for farming = people can start doing other things Ex: artisans, merchants “Advanced” technology Plow, irrigation, etc. Record keeping* Taxes, trade, laws Eventually, history (wars, reigns of kings, etc.)

Which of the five requirements is the most essential for a high-functioning civilization ? Use the formula. X. However, A, B (and C). Therefore, Y. Where X = strongest counterargument A, B (and C) = evidence to support your argument Y = your argument (with the prompt restated)

16 Where would you settle?

17 Time to revisit the Essential Questions!
Individually, without using your notes, answer the following questions: What caused the shift in humans from hunting/gathering to settlements? What are the characteristics of a civilization?

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