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iNtegrating Technology for inQuiry: A Problem Based Planning Model

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Presentation on theme: "iNtegrating Technology for inQuiry: A Problem Based Planning Model"— Presentation transcript:

1 iNtegrating Technology for inQuiry: A Problem Based Planning Model
Presented by Lisa DeMeulle, Sonoma State Univ. Gary Morrison, Wayne State Univ. Deborah Lowther, Univ. of Memphis

2 Session Outline Introductions The NTeQ model - what, why & how
Experience NTeQ lesson Visit NTeQ website Sample lesson plans Question & Answers Create Own NTeQ lesson Drawing for Door Prizes!

3 What is the role of technology in the classroom?
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4 Technology in the classroom has not met our expectations.

5 The traditional view of technology
Viewed technology as a teacher To deliver the instruction To compete with the teacher

6 What have we learned? Technology is not always a good teacher

7 Is there any hope for technology?
Yes But, we must change our view

8 What if we surveyed parents?
What software do you use? Word processing Spreadsheets Databases Desktop publishing

9 What if we surveyed teachers?
What software do your students use? Drill and practice Games Tutorials

10 Recent research Suggests that application software can support higher level learning Better prepares student for the workplace Drill-and-practice and tutorials support basic skills and rote learning

11 How do we use applications in instruction?
Integrate computer technology to support inquiry Use computers as a tool rather than as an instructional delivery device

12 Using technology as a tool
How? To calculate To determine To identify To summarize To find information To organize information

13 Using technology as a tool
The effectiveness as a tool has been established People use technology as a tool everyday in the workplace

14 A new way of teaching Requires a different approach to teaching
Teacher’s role will change Student’s role will change Instruction will change

15 The changing role of the teacher
Technologically competent Understands relationship between computers and learning Creates a student-centered learning environment Uses computers as a tool

16 Recent technology standards for teachers
“Teachers will…access, generate, and manipulate data” (ISTE, 1998) “Teachers will use technology in communicating, collaborating, conducting research and solving problems” (ISTE, 1998) “They must plan and deliver instructional units that integrate a variety of software, applications and learning tools” (ISTE, 1998)

17 Roles of the teacher Designer Facilitator Manager

18 Teacher as designer Integrates learning strategies
Embeds technology into the instruction Utilizes multiple learning resources Uses real world data

19 Teacher as facilitator
No longer the main source of information Asks directed questions rather than providing answers Models the physical and cognitive processes Provides necessary scaffolding for students

20 Teacher as manager Plans a viable rotation schedule
Provides a multidimensional learning environment Encourages students to solve problems Finds solutions to technical problems

21 The changing role of instruction
Problem based Authentic data Uses problems students can relate to Provides for many sources of information

22 The student as researcher
Primary role is a researcher Gathers data Analyzes data Generates knowledge

23 The student as collaborator
Goal is problem solving through collaboration Works effectively as a team member Values team collaboration

24 Recent technology standards for students
“...use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology-enhanced models, preparing publications, and producing other creative works” (ISTE, 1998) ... use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources” (ISTE, 1998) ... employ technology in the development of strategies for solving problems in the real world (ISTE, 1998)

25 Using computer technology
How can we use technology in the classroom? Use technology to support the learning process, critical thinking, problem solving. Encourage collaboration.

26 Where do we start with an NTeQ lesson?
NTeQ incorporates Inquiry learning Problem-based learning Cognitive & Constructivist approaches Collaborative learning

27 NTeQ: Specify the objectives
Specify all your lesson objectives Includes both computer related and noncomputer objectives

28 NTeQ: Computer functions
Specify Objectives Computer Functions Match your objectives to computer functions Computer functions that support your objectives

29 NTeQ: Computer functions
Objective: Analyze Use a spreadsheet to determine the… Use a database to find the… Create a chart to show… Dia. $ $/sq in Joe's Pizza 12 9 Big Caesar 14 13 Square Pan Pizza 15 11

30 NTeQ: Computer functions
Objective: Write, Edit Use a word processor to create Edit your partner’s paper Use a spellchecker to…

31 NTeQ: Computer functions
Objective: Design, Plan Create a drawing showing Design a safe playground Make a map of your neighborhood

32 NTeQ: Specify Problem Realistic Real-world events
Objectives Computer Functions Specify Problem Realistic Real-world events From the students’ world Let them suggest the problem

33 NTeQ: Data Collection & Manipulation
Specify Objectives Computer Functions Specify Problem Data Manipulation How will students collect and manipulate the data?

34 NTeQ: Data Collection & Manipulation
Tools for students Job aids Think Sheets Questions and ideas for the student Search Plans Search Logs

35 NTeQ: Results Presentation
Specify Objectives Computer Functions Specify Problem Data Manipulation Results Presentation How will students present the results? Printed/oral reports/Magazine/newsletter TV broadcast/Web page/School conference

36 NTeQ: At the computer What will students do at the computer?
Specify Objectives Computer Functions Specify Problem Data Manipulation Results Presentation What will students do at the computer? Collecting and Entering data Manipulating data Creating a report Activities While at Computer

37 NTeQ: Prior to the computer
Specify Objectives Computer Functions Specify Problem Data Manipulation Results Presentation What will students do before using the computer? Key words for searching Collecting data Activities Prior to Computer Activities While at Computer

38 NTeQ: After the computer
Specify Objectives Computer Functions Specify Problem Data Manipulation Results Presentation What will students do after using the computer? Purpose is to use the information generated from the computer activity Activities Prior to Computer After Using Computer Activities While at Computer

39 NTeQ: Supporting Activities
Specify Objectives Computer Functions Specify Problem Data Manipulation Results Presentation Additional activities that support the objectives Supporting Activities Activities Prior to Computer After Using Computer Activities While at Computer

40 NTeQ: Supporting Activities
Anytime during the lesson Meaningful and related reading Problem solving Discussion Manipulatives

41 NTeQ: Assessment May require more than a test Specify Objectives
Computer Functions Specify Problem Data Manipulation Results Presentation May require more than a test Supporting Activities Activities Prior to Computer After Using Computer Activities While at Computer Assessment

42 NTeQ: Assessment Assessing student learning Computer generated reports
Printed reports Slide shows Multimedia reports Electronic portfolios

43 NTeQ: Assessment Assessing student learning Group presentations
Book or newsletter Demonstrations Notebook portfolios Self or Peer Assessment

44 Creating the classroom environment
Two approaches to designing your classroom for an NTeQ lesson

45 Learning center room design
Teacher Tables Manipulatives Data Collection Computers Project Development Problem Solving Layout Design

46 Collaborative room design
Teacher Computer Tables Computer Computer Computer

47 The outcomes Increased problem solving skills
Experience with collaborative work groups Improved classroom environment Real world technology skills

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