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Mamou High House System A Blue Print to Success. Mamou High School Consists of grades 5-12 House System in junior high grades transitions into our freshman.

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Presentation on theme: "Mamou High House System A Blue Print to Success. Mamou High School Consists of grades 5-12 House System in junior high grades transitions into our freshman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mamou High House System A Blue Print to Success

2 Mamou High School Consists of grades 5-12 House System in junior high grades transitions into our freshman academy.

3 What is the house system? a way of forming smaller learning communities a way of increasing safety and order a way to create positive student attitudes and higher achievement a way to increase motivation All students BELONG to a house.

4 One Example of Success Goleta Valley Junior High This school was plagued with problems that face many other junior high schools. They divided their students into multiple social houses, and their teachers became house leaders.

5 What Goleta Valley Noticed Students enjoyed competing side by side with teachers. Decrease in suspensions and bullying Improved school climate Goletas Academic Performance Score rose significantly since the house system has been in place.

6 House Plans Mamou High was divided into four houses. Each house consisted of a 5 th 6 th 7 th and 8 th grade class. Homeroom teachers became house leaders. When homerooms were made students were grouped with the high,middle,low method in an effort to make all houses equal. The house leaders collaborated with each other so that each house could develop a plan of action.

7 The Four Houses of Mamou High All teachers are house leaders. Running the house is a collaborative effort! Together they create a mascot, colors, and a theme.

8 The Four Houses of Mamou High now work with their house members on the following: Academics Attendance Sports Art Behavior

9 Teachers are the key!!!!! Without positive teacher attitudes Without enthusiasm Without buy-in The House System will not work!

10 House Meet and Greet Houses meet in different areas of the campus. Students where house shirts. Teachers introduced themselves and developed relationships with the members of their house from the beginning of the school year. They explain the house system and how it works. Students are allowed to ask questions and discuss aspects of the program.

11 House Art Contest Artistic students from each house are allowed to submit art for a contest. We display the art and have it judged. Winners will earn house points.

12 Attendance Points Students who attend school regularly will earn house points.

13 Academic Points Students who make good grades earn house points. Banner, Honor, and Merit Roll Many times our kids who make good grades are overlooked. They should be rewarded and recognized on a regular basis.

14 Quiz Bowl Tournaments House Leaders choose two students from each grade level of each house to be on a team. The teams must differ each six weeks. Quiz Bowl tournaments will take place once every six weeks. The audience members for the quiz bowl games are all banner, honor, and merit roll students. Quiz Bowl winners earn house points.

15 Behavior Points PBS will merge with the house system. Students with no referrals will be allowed to participate and attend house sporting events.

16 Sporting Event Points All house members are allowed to attend or participate if they do not have a referral for that month. House leaders choose players for each event. House Leaders can not choose the same players each month. Players can participate once each semester.

17 Sample sporting events- Basketball shoot Washer board tournament Relay races Volley ball game At the end of yearHouse Olympics

18 Points The winning house for each month is announced at the conclusion of the monthly sporting event. House points are displayed in a high traffic area. This way students can monitor the progress of each house. Each month one house will win by earning the most points. However, a running tally for the year is also on display.

19 Student Rewards Competition drives the students! The house that earns the most points FOR THAT MONTH will be allowed to wear their house shirts and they will be treated to a snow cone or some other treat during the last 30 minutes of a designated school day.

20 End Of Year Awards The house that earns the most points for the year is honored at a reception. The house is the winner of a large trophy. It is presented to the house leaders by the principal. Parents are invited. Bar-B-Que, prizes, etc.

21 Here is the really good part!! Teacher Rewards Teachers are given one lunch duty pass to skip one duty pass for each month that their house earns the most points. Teachers are given 200 extra copies on the copy machine for each month that their house earns the most points. Winning house parking Etc.

22 Houses meet for the big announcement!

23 Winning House Video 2009-2010

24 Winning House Cake

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