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Defined Genetic change in a species over time; aka: descent with modification populations evolve, NOT individuals occurs over generations not: purposeful,

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Presentation on theme: "Defined Genetic change in a species over time; aka: descent with modification populations evolve, NOT individuals occurs over generations not: purposeful,"— Presentation transcript:

1 defined Genetic change in a species over time; aka: descent with modification populations evolve, NOT individuals occurs over generations not: purposeful, always happening may be slow – gradualism or in big jumps – punctuated equilibrium based on factual evidence the unifying THEORY of biology

2 Theories are scientific explanations
a scientific THEORY Theories are scientific explanations Formulated using logic and reasoning Explain diverse & extensive phenomena Theories are cohesive, tying together facts Cell Theory Atomic Theory Gravitational Theory Plate tectonic Theory etc

3 Fossils Extinction = change Coelacanth Archaeopteryx Crinoids

4 Faunal Succession Historical record of life on Earth Patterns:
Cells: prokaryotes (bacteria) -> eukaryotes (w/nucleus) Plants: mosses -> ferns -> seeds -> flowers Animals: soft-body -> exoskeleton -> cartilage -> bone -> legs -> shelled eggs -> wings & fur Aquatic -> terrestrial (-> aquatic)

5 Artificial selection Diversity within a species as a result of selective breeding different breed, same species genus Capsicum from wolf to dog

6 Homology Similar patterns in structure indicate a shared ancestor
Variations on a plan Similar patterns in structure indicate a shared ancestor function may vary between species 1 2 many jointed (as opposed to analogous structures: similar function, different form)

7 Homology Homologous structures are evidence of Divergent evolution
descendants of a common ancestor; varied adaptations in response to different environmental conditions/pressure Analogous wings – totally different design - indicate convergent evolution

8 Homology A C B Who is most closely related?
Who shares a more recent ancestor? A C B

9 Homology homologous structures analogous structures
agave agave aloe agave divergent evolution convergent evolution common ancestor

10 Vestigial structures Homologous structures no longer used
Remnants from the ancestor whales and snakes have legs??

11 Embryology Another homology
Salamander Tortoise Chicken Human Rabbit Fish Cow Pig Embryology Another homology The more closely related, the more developmental similarities Why? more DNA in common & DNA controls development 1 2 3

12 DNA similarities Related species share genes, sequences, mutations
Similar = recent common ancestor Different = more distant common ancestor green = same nucleotide

13 Designs/processes common to all organisms
Molecular Designs/processes common to all organisms Cellular design & function DNA for heredity same components, design DNA & cell replication DNA makes protein Glucose to ATP for fuel

14 Evolution today Change via selection, genetic drift, gene flow
Bacterial populations evolve in response to antibiotics Antibiotic Apocalypse

15 return to ocean for food ‘form follows function’:
Case study : whales terrestrial ancestor return to ocean for food ‘form follows function’: feet webbed legs reduced hair reduced body elongated nose moved to top of head

16 vestigial* pelvis, leg bones
Case study : whales homologous forelimbs vestigial* pelvis, leg bones Ancestral trait no longer used Continues to be inherited so long as it doesn’t reduce survival

17 Fish Mammal Case study : whales smooth streamlined fins/flippers
gills eggs swim side to side Mammal Convergent evolution lungs live birth swim up and down

18 “Just a Theory?“ No way! Implies a guess, idea, or hypothesis Theory is science’s explanation of a large set of facts What’s missing? Need a process that explains how the changes happen the work of Darwin, Wallace, & many others

19 Use data to generate a phylogenetic tree
maps out the relationships between species based on DNA, protein, structural comparisons closely related distantly related Common ancestor

20 similarity table from Darwin’s notebook… cladogram

21 Merged with modern understanding of molecular
Taxonomic groups ‘Old school’ classification based on structural similarities (homologies) Merged with modern understanding of molecular homologies

22 For the skeptics

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