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Name this Amendment. Why do you think they called it the “Roaring 20’s” or the “Booming 20’s?”

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Presentation on theme: "Name this Amendment. Why do you think they called it the “Roaring 20’s” or the “Booming 20’s?”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why do you think they called it the “Roaring 20’s” or the “Booming 20’s?”

2 Name this Amendment

3 1918 Why would people want this Amendment?

4 What do we know about this man?

5 Anyone know what this is called?

6 FUN times, even if it is illegal

7 Name this Amendment? Anyone know the time period when this amendment was repealed? Who can tell me why it was repealed?

8 How and why did women change during this time period?

9 What was the culture like during this Era?


11 What did we buy? EVERYTHING

12 How would this effect the teenage birth rate?

13 Icons of the 20’s


15 Name that Amendment


17 Quota Laws 1921—3% 1924—2% 1927—Asians and South Eastern Europeans down to 150,00 (No Japanese)

18 Why did the US see increasing numbers of KKK members during the 1920’s?

19 How did the Black Community react to the violence?

20 I, Too by Langston Hughes
I, too, sing America. I am the darker brother. They send me to eat in the kitchen When company comes, But I laugh, And eat well, And grow strong. Tomorrow, I'll be at the table When company comes. Nobody'll dare Say to me, "Eat in the kitchen," Then. Besides, They'll see how beautiful I am And be ashamed-- I, too, am America.

21 Have you ever heard of the Scopes Monkey Trial
Have you ever heard of the Scopes Monkey Trial? If not you should write down what it was about.


23 On May 5, 1920, Niccola Sacco  and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, both Italian immigrants, radicals, labor activists, and World War I resistors, were arrested for two payroll robberies, one of which involved a double murder in the Boston suburbs. The ensuing trial became one of the most famous throughout US history and served as a rallying point for the Left. Debate over the trial’s fairness and allegations that the men were victims of a frame-up aimed at eliminating "reds" spurned nationwide dialog about the red scare. After a brief and poorly conducted trial, the men were sentenced to death. However, numerous appeals and a mass support movement pushed the trial to an international level.   After a long imprisonment and a failed attempt at a gubernatorial pardon, the men were executed in 1927 amid mass protest.  Fifty years later, Sacco and Vanzetti received a proclamation from then Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis that effectively absolved them of the crimes.

24 Sacco and Vanzetti 1) Why were Sacco and Vanzetti targeted?
2) How did the media portray the case? 3) Were they innocent? 4) What does their case show about some Americans attitudes towards immigrants? 5) What do we call in when Americans only want native born Americans here?


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